Chapter 53

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You saw a large crowd gathering a few feet away from you. 'I wonder what it is.' you thought as you walked over to the crowd to try and peek what they're crowding but it was no use. 'The people here are so tall!' you sweat dropped as you heard some people murmuring beside you.

"It's 'Koinatsu Oiran'. From the 'Tokito House'." you heard a male whisper to his friend. 'Tokito House? That's where the others were earlier.' you thought as you continued to listen.

"The highest ranked prostitute is going to greet one of her customers. She's a real beauty. She has a bunch of people following her." The other male whispered in amazement as the two males continued to watch the parade.

You felt the box you're carrying shift as you went away from the crowd. "Douma-kun, Rui, Michi-nii. You can't come out yet, there are people around here." you whispered as the box stopped shifting. You looked around to try and spot Uzui or the others amongst the crowds.

"I can't believe you lost her!!" You heard a familiar voice yell in the crowd.

'That sounds like Zenitsu-kun!' You thought as you followed the source of the voice only to bump into someone.

"Tch. Watch where you're going." A voice stated. You turned to see a girl with long pink hair and black eyes. She wore a floral pink kimono as she glared down at you in disgust. "I'm sorry." you replied to the girl with a bow.

"What's your name?" The girl demanded as you felt a strange aura coming from her. You noticed a red ribbon floating around her, making your eyes widened in shock.

'She's a demon....? No.... it's too early to jump to conclusions. I can't take her down.... there's a lot of people here and it will cause them to panic.' you thought as you saw the girl in front of you getting impatient.

"Ichika..... that's my name." you lied. "Well 'Ichika', be careful next time. We don't want your pretty little self to get hurt now, do we?." The girl adviced as she placed her finger under your chin, lifting your head up to look at her.

"I-I'll keep that in mind." you replied as she gave you a smirk and let go of you. You watched the girl disappear in the crowd as you went to follow her. You were suddenly stopped when you felt someone grab your shoulder, making you quickly turn to look who it was.

"(Y/N)! You made us worried!" Uzui exclaimed as you let out a relieved sigh. "(Y/N)-chan! Thank heavens you're not dead!" Zenitsu cried out as he looked you over to see if you were hurt.

"This bastard over here forgot about you! Can you believe that?!" Zenitsu exclaimed as he pointed to Uzui. "Oi! You forgot her as well! I was busy talking to the owners!" Uzui retaliated.

"Where are Tanjiro-kun and Inosuke-kun?" you asked as the two stopped bickering. "Oh, Sumiko got accepted in the Tokito House while Inoko was taken to the Ogimoto House. All we have left is the Kyougoku House." Uzui said as he looked towards Zenitsu who flinched.

'I guess I have to find that girl later...' you thought as you gave the two males a smile. "Let's go to the Kyougoku House then." you said.


"Oh my! She's such a beauty!"

"An angel came?! Is it my time already!?"

"She looks so cute!"

You blushed as the women in the Kyougoku House showered you with compliments. They removed the heavy makeup Uzui did on you and replaced it with a light makeup instead.

"T-thank you very much!" you exclaimed as you gave them a bright smile, making the girls squeal in happiness.

"Her smile is so bright!"

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