Chapter 63

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You sat up on your bed and rubbed your eyes. You looked around and noticed your surroundings are different. 'Oh, I'm back at my estate.' you thought as you walked out of your room and headed towards the kitchen.

"Good morning." you heard someone greet as you turned to see Kokushibo. "Michi-nii, morning." you tiredly replied as you sat on the chair.

Kokushibo noticed your tired appearance and his eye twitched. "You didn't even brush your hair. You looked like you got out of a tornado." Kokushibo stated. "Too tired..." you replied as you laid your head on the table.

Kokushibo let out a sigh and went to your room to retrieve something. He returned and you noticed he was holding a hairbrush. "You could have at least brushed your hair and make it look presentable." Kokushibo said as he began to comb your hair.

"Good morning, Michi-nii!"

"Morning, brother."

You and Yoriichi greeted as you saw Michikatsu preparing breakfast. "Morning you two--?" Michikatsu cut himself off as he looked at you and Yoriichi. Both of your hairs were tousled making Mihikatsu's eye twitch in annoyance.

"What's wrong, Michi-nii?" you asked as you and Yoriichi blankly stared at Michikatsu. "You two...." Michikatsu trailed off as he grabbed a hairbrush and made you and Yoriichi sit down. "You two could have at least look presentable and brush your hair." Michikatsu said as he combed Yoriichi's hair and tied it into a ponytail. He then went to you and did the same procedure.

"There, that's better." Michikatsu said with satisfaction as he looked at you and Yoriichi. "I swear you two are too lazy to fix your hair." Michikatsu said as you gave him a smile. "Sorry, Michi-nii!" you exclaimed as you rubbed the back of your neck.

"It's fine. Just don't forget to do it next time-- Ow!" Michikatsu cried out as you two saw Yoriichi biting on Michikatsu's arm.

"Yoriichi / Yorii-nii!!" you and Michikatsu yelled as you tried to pull him away from Michikatsu

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"Yoriichi / Yorii-nii!!" you and Michikatsu yelled as you tried to pull him away from Michikatsu.

"Hungry....." Yoriichi mumbled out as you struggled to pull him.

"We're gonna eat breakfast, Yorii-nii! Stop biting Michi-nii!" you exclaimed in panic.

"Damn it, Yoriichi! Let me go! Ow!!" Michikatsu yelled.

You giggled as you remembered the memory. "What's so funny?" Kokushibo asked as he tied your hair in a ponytail. "Nothing." you answered as Kokushibo handed you your hairbrush.

"Thank you, Michi-nii." you exclaimed as you felt Kokushibo patting your head.


You sat down quietly on the engawa as you looked at the other Pillars seated around you. Muichiro sat beside you and leaned on your shoulder.

"I envy you guys, dammit. Why can't I bump into Upper Moons?" Shinazugawa said as Kanae let out a small giggle. "Maybe it's because some of them are already with (Y/N)-san?" Kanae replied as she looked at you.

"It's not like people bump into them all the time. But how are you three doing, Kanroji, (L/N), Tokito?" Obanai asked.

"I'm feeling a lot better!" Mitsuri exclaimed as she smiled brightly. "The poison in my body has fully disappeared so I'm okay now." you answered with a gentle smile. "I... am not at full strength yet..." Muichiro replied as you patted his head in comfort.

"(Y/N)-san's recovery speed is surprisingly faster than usual. The same goes with you two. Did something happen?" Shinobu asked.

"Oyakata-sama probably wants to talk to us about everything, including this." Tomioka said.

"I'm very sorry for the wait."

You all heard a voice exclaimed as you turned to see Amane. "For our Pillar Meeting today. I, Ubuyashiki Amane will be attending in place of Ubuyashiki Kagaya." Amane said as you all bowed in front of her.

"Right now. The disease affecting our Master Kagaya has gotten worse. And he sends his apologies for being unable to attend this meeting in front of you all." Amane informed as you and the other Pillars listened intently.

"I will pray for Oyakata-sama's flickering flame of life to last a bit longer, even for just a day. And for you to stay strong, Amane-sama." You all heard Himejima said.

"I'm sure you all have heard this, but we now have a demon who has conquered the sun, and she is here. Kibutsuji Muzan has most likely altered his goals to go after her, so that he can conquer the sun himself. The time for an all-out battle is approaching." Amane exclaimed as you clenched your fists.

Your eyes caught sight of your crow and you noticed there were two other crows behind them. "Also, we have reports on strange marks appearing on (L/N)-sama, Kanroji-sama and Tokito-sama during their battles against Upper Moons Two, Four and Five." Amane added as you felt the other Pillars staring at you, Muichiro and Mitsuri.

"You mean this mark?" Muichiro asked as he showed everyone the mark on your body. Your eyes widened in shock as Muichiro held you. "Yes. I would like to ask you three on about how you got those marks and what the conditions are to obtain them." Amane answered.

"During the Sengoku Era, there were some swordsmen of the first breath who were one step away from ending Kibutsuji Muzan. They all had marks that resembled demon crests." Amane said as you looked at her. The other Pillars were shocked about this information but you kept yourself quiet and listened.

"I don't see the marks on Kanroji and Tokito but (L/N) still has her mark. Why is that?" Uzui asked as Kanae raised her hand. "I'm not sure if you all are informed about this but (Y/N)-san used to be from the Sengoku Era who is now reincarnated in this Era.

Since she is one of the swordsmen of the first breath, it is possible that her body has adjusted and recognized the marks on her body, causing it to appear. While Mitsuri and Muichiro are still new to these marks, they might need to make their marks appear again so that they can get used to it." Kanae explained.

"(Y/N)-san is also my ancestor." Muichiro added with a peace sign as everyone looked at you with wide eyes. "What?!" Shinazugawa and Uzui exclaimed in shock as you avoided their gaze and shyly rubbed the back of your head.

"Please inform us on how you got the marks, Kanroji-sama, Tokito-sama, (L/N)-sama." Amane said.

"O-okay! So like back then, my body was like, super light! It was like, BADAAAM! And DUUURRR! And BUDAAH! Then my heart went BADUM BADUM, and my ears went SCREEEE! And TINKLE TANKLE too!" Mitsuri exclaimed as you all stared at her with dotted eyes.

You saw Obanai facepalmed as Mitsuri laid her head in the floor. "I am so sorry. I will go hide in a tiny hole now." Mitsuri muttered out. "It's all right. I understand how you felt, Mitsuri-san." you exclaimed with a gentle smile as Mitsuri looked at you.

"Now that I looked back on the previous battle, I became aware that a number of things were different. If you fulfill these conditions, then maybe everyone can get these marks." you exclaimed as everyone looked at you.

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