Chapter 43

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You heard someone call out as they began to shake you. You slowly opened your eyes to see Rengoku smiling at you. Your eyes widened when you saw him carrying a lot of bento boxes. "Eh?! Rengoku-san?!" you asked in shock as you gaped at the mountain of foods.

"Here!" Rengoku said as he placed something in your hand. You stared at the small bag in your hands as you gave Rengoku a confused look. "It's medicine for your fever! You're welcome! Let's go board the train!" Rengoku said as he led you inside the train.

'I've got a bad feeling about this.' you thought as you and Rengoku found some seats. You placed the box you carry on the seat in front of you as you sat beside Rengoku on the other seat. "I got you an ice pack to keep you cold! Here, you should eat as well!' Rengoku exclaimed as he handed you an ice pack and gave you a bento box.

"Thank you, Rengoku-san." you said as you gulped down the medicine and balanced the ice pack on your head. You grabbed some chopsticks and began to eat the food. You noticed Rengoku opening his bento box and started to eat as well.

"UMAI! UMAI! UMAI! UMAI!" Rengoku chanted every time he takes a bite from his food. You sweat dropped as you noticed the other passengers looking at your way as you continued to watch Rengoku chant.

You finished your food and threw it away as you laid your head on the window. Your headache was slowly fading as you placed the ice pack on your forehead. You felt a hand place itself on your forehead as you turned to see Rengoku smiling at you, but his eyes held a worried look.

"They shouldn't have let you come if you were having a fever!" Rengoku said. "It's all right. I get a fever whenever the temperature is extremely warm. I was fine earlier." you explained. "I see! You should rest while the train is not yet moving! I can tell you're strong but you need your energy if any demon comes! I will wake you if there's any trouble!" Rengoku informed as you nodded in reply. You felt your eyes becoming heavy as you then fell asleep.


"(M/N)-san! (Y/N)-chan is burning up! Is she okay?!" Young Douma asked as he held you.

"It's all right, Douma. (Y/N) is having her fever again. It's somehow strange that she gets a fever at very hot temperatures but not on very cold ones." your mother explained as she draped a cold towel on your forehead.

Your breathing was ragged as sweat rolled down from your face. "Douma. I'll be making (Y/N) some soup, can you change the towel on her head while I'm gone?" Your mother asked Douma.

"Okay." Douma replied as your mother patted his and left your room. "(Y/N)-chan..... how are you feeling?" Douma asked as he placed a hand on your forehead and noticed it's still warm. "I'm all right. Just dizzy, I guess." you breathed out.

Douma took the towel on your head and rinsed it in the bucket beside your bed. He shivered a bit when he felt the coldness of the water but ignored it as he placed the now cold towel on your forehead. He watched with eyes full of worry as he saw the state you were in. He unconsciously nibbled one of the ribbons that were attached to the crown on his head.

 He unconsciously nibbled one of the ribbons that were attached to the crown on his head

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