Chapter 50

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Zenitsu walked around the estate, searching for the room you rested in. 'That beautiful lady with the two butterfly hairpins told me to give (Y/N)-chan her batch of painkillers.' Zenitsu thought as he remembered the critical state you were in on the last mission.

'It was scary when I heard her heartbeat was faint that I thought she was gonna die. Can't believe I got hit in the head by that Douma guy.' Zenitsu recalled the scene where Douma smacked Zenitsu in the head using your blade, good thing it was in its scabbard or Douma would of had sliced his head off.

Zenitsu looked down at the medicine he held in his hand. 'I'm already over that. The thing I'm looking forward to is I'll be able to see (Y/N)-chan again!' Zenitsu thought as images of you popped up in his mind about you giving him a bright smile as he gave you your medicines.

"But it's a bit strange that I have to go this late at night. I guess I'll just have to wake (Y/N)-chan up if she's asleep then." Zenitsu exclaimed as he bounced in his steps and made his way to your room.

Zenitsu stopped when he saw the room Kanae told him and knocked on the door. "(Y/N)-chan~ I brought you your medicine~" Zenitsu sang as he opened your door.

Since Zenitsu was too busy in his thoughts, he didn't hear another person inside your room.

Kokushibo stopped from his reading as he looked up to see Zenitsu at the door. Kokushibo placed his index finger on his lips in a 'shushing' motion as he stared at Zenitsu.

 Kokushibo placed his index finger on his lips in a 'shushing' motion as he stared at Zenitsu

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Zenitsu stopped talking as he looked at Kokushibo, who was beside your bed, watching him.

"Oh, shhh. Okay, I'm sorry. I'll go." Zenitsu muttered as he also placed his finger on his lips while he gently closed the door.

Zenitsu was about to walk away when his mind processed what just happened. 'Wait a minute!!' Zenitsu thought as he then opened the door slightly to peek and his eyes widened when he saw Kokushibo.

Kokushibo felt Zenitsu's presence still outside your room as he looked at you, Douma and Rui sleeping peacefully.

In the corner of his eyes, he noticed the demon slayer was about to do something loud. Kokushibo let out a sigh and placed both of his hands on your ears, covering them.


Zenitsu's scream was so loud that Douma and Rui jolted awake as they looked around in search of the loud noise. Kokushibo didn't budge nor care from the sudden yelling as long as you didn't hear it.

"Zenitsu! Are you okay!?" Tanjiro asked as he ran towards the screaming blonde and checked if he has any injuries. Zenitsu shakily pointed at Kokushibo as his other hand clung onto Tanjiro like his life depended on it.

"T-t-there is a d-demon besides (Y/N)-chan!!" Zenitsu exclaimed as Tanjiro followed his gaze and saw Kokushibo covering your ears.

"Zenitsu, it's fine. Kokushibo-san is on our side. Plus, he's (Y/N)-san's older brother." Tanjiro informed as he tried to calm Zenitsu down.

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