Chapter 40

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You silently ate your breakfast in the kitchen as you waited for Douma and Rui to wake up. Kokushibo left last night to go to an Upper Moon meeting.

You heard squawking noises from outside as you turned your head and saw your crow perched on the window. You and your crow had a stare off as you waited for it to talk. "What?" you asked. "I have a letter from the Flower Pillar! I've been waiting for you to take it! Caw!" your crow replied.

"Well how am I supposed to know?! This is the first time I've received a letter, you could have told me first!" you exclaimed as you went towards your crow and saw the letter tied on its talons. You removed the letter from your crow as you opened it and began to read. Your crow landed on your shoulder as it tried to read the letter.

"Hey, don't be nosy. The letter is for me, not you." you said as you pushed the crow away from you. You then began to read the letter. Kanae requested that you visit the Butterfly Estate to retrieve your reforged nichirin sword. She also wants to do you a checkup to make sure you're okay to go on missions.

You closed the letter and looked at your crow. "Please tell Kanae-san that we will be coming to the Butterfly Estate." you told your crow as it nodded and flew away.

'I hope Haganezuka-san won't be mad about this.' you thought as you shuddered when you imagined Haganezuka with a dark look on his face/mask. You felt arms wrap around your waist and a head on your shoulder. You look to your shoulder to see Douma nuzzling your neck.

"Good morning, (Y/N)-chan." Douma exclaimed as he held you close to him. You placed your hand on his head and brushed some of his blonde locks away from his face. "Good morning, Douma-kun. Where's Rui?" you asked as you turned your head towards him. You noticed the closeness between you two and blushed as your noses were against each other.

"Hm? He's still sleeping. I heard your crow squawking loudly. Are you going somewhere?" Douma asked as he leaned closer towards you. Your blush began to darken as you tried to move away. "Kanae-san told me that Haganezuka-san is bringing my reforged nichirin blade soon. She also wants to do a checkup on me to make sure I'm fully recovered. Come on, let's go." you quickly said as you removed yourself from Douma and began to walk to your room.

"Ara ara~ where do you think you're going?" Douma asked as he pulled you towards him and wrapped his arms around you again, this time making you unable to go away. You let out a squeak as your face turned even more redder when your back was pressed against Douma's chest. You turned to look at Douma only to see him looking at you with a mischievous grin.

"I didn't say you could go, (Y/N)-chan~." Douma said as he pulled you closer to him. "You keep asking about Rui recently and he's always by your side. I'm beginning to get a bit jealous, (Y/N)-chan." Douma exclaimed as you turned your blushing face away from him.

Douma turned you around to face him as he then held your chin with his thumb and index finger. He then slowly turned you to face him. "Don't look away from me, (Y/N)-chan. I haven't been able to kiss you for a while and Rui's been taking you away from me." Douma said as he gave you a pout.

"What are you talking about, Douma-kun?" you asked as you looked at him confused. "I'm jealous of Rui being around you. I want to be around you as well." Douma answered as he let go of your chin and looked away from you with a blush on his face.

Douma stiffened when he felt your lips against his cheek. He touched the spot where you kissed him as he turned to look at you. "You don't have to be jealous about Rui, Douma-kun. He is just a kid." you explained.

You heard Douma mumble something under his breath. "Eh? What did you say, Douma-kun?" you asked as you inched closer to hear him. "I said that you missed." Douma said. You were confused at what he said when you felt his hand hold your cheek as he captured your lips in his.

You blushed heavily as Douma pulled away with a satisfied grin. "Now that, my dear (Y/N)-chan, is a kiss." Douma exclaimed as he pecked your lips once more and gave you a grin. You hid your blushing face in Douma's chest as you felt him chuckle. "Ara~? (Y/N)-chan is embarrassed. How cute~" Douma teased as he patted your head.

"What are you guys doing?" Rui suddenly asked, making the two of you jump in surprise. "Why is (Y/N)-neesan on Douma-san's chest?" Rui asked as you and Douma stiffened. "Well, you see Rui, I was ki-- comforting (Y/N)-chan!" Douma said as he rubbed the back of his neck and avoided Rui's gaze, making Rui look at him with suspicion.

You moved away from Douma as you looked at Rui, who was still staring at the two of you. "Um, We're going to the Butterfly Estate today to retrieve my sword. I was getting nervous and Douma-kun was comforting me, that's all." you quickly explained as Rui looked at you. "Oh, okay! I'll go get ready then!" Rui exclaimed as he went back to his room, leaving you and Douma alone.

"Rui's innocence must be kept safe. Let's not tell him about this, Douma-kun." you said as you turned to look at Douma. "Alright." Douma replied with a nod. You walked towards Douma and stared up at him. Douma looked confused when he suddenly felt you grab his robe and pull him down. Douma's eyes widened when he felt your lips against his as you quickly pulled away.

"Please go get ready. We'll be leaving in a few minutes. Just ask me next time, Douma-kun." you quickly said as you ran to your room and began to prepare. "Hai!" you heard Douma happily yell out.


"(Y/N)-san! It's good to see you again! Congrats on mastering Total Concentration Constant!" Kanae exclaimed as she engulfed you in a hug. "Hello, Kanae-san!" you replied as you returned her hug.

"Your sword will be arriving soon. In the meantime, let me do your checkup." Kanae suggested. "Alright!" you answered as the two of you walked inside the Butterfly Estate. The two of you continued to chat about what happened the past few days. Douma and Rui were with Tanjiro as they watched him try to blow the gourds.


You and Kanae heard someone yell. You turned to see the Wind Pillar walking towards you. "Oh! Um, good afternoon Shinazugawa-san!" you nervously greeted as you looked at the pillar beside you. Kanae had a gentle smile on her face, making you even more nervous.

Shinazugawa stared you down as he pushed something in your hands. You looked down and saw a small bento wrapped by a green cloth. "You better eat that or I'll kick your butt!" He yelled as he walked away. You were confused at what happened. You looked at Kanae for answers but she motioned for you to open the bento in your hands.

You carefully removed the cloth and looked inside. Your eyes widened as you saw the bento was full of ohagi. On top was a note that says 'Sorry.'. "Oh my, that's a lot of ohagi. That's Shinazugawa's favorite food, it must be his way of apologizing for what he did back then." Kanae explained with a giggle.

"Come, let's finish your checkup so you can eat those." Kanae grabbed your hand and pulled you into her office.


"Alright Inosuke-kun. How about you try saying Tanjiro-kun's name." you said as you sat in front of Inosuke. Douma sat beside you while Rui sat comfortably on your lap, which you didn't mind.

"Hah? That's too easy!" Inosuke exclaimed. "We'll see about that." you muttered.


"No." Douma said


"No. Inosuke-kun."

"Where do you even get these names?" Rui asked.

"One more time." you said.

"I got it! Jotaro!" Inosuke proudly yelled.

"Wrong." the three of you exclaimed as Inosuke had a shocked look.

The door to the room opened as Tanjiro came inside. "Inosuke! (Y/N)-san! They'll be bringing our reforged nichirin blades soon!" Tanjiro exclaimed. "For real?" Inosuke asked. "Yeah! I just heard it from the crow!" Tanjiro replied.

"Yahoo! Come on, (Misp/N)!" Inosuke exclaimed as he grabbed you and pulled you away from Douma and Rui. "Hey!" Douma and Rui yelled as they tried to stop Inosuke but it was no use.

The door to the room was closed shut as the two demons had a gloomy aura surrounding them.

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