Side Chapter - Pillar Training

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"Hurry up you slowpokes! I want to see (Y/N)-chan!!"

"Zenitsu, calm down. We might disturb the neighborhood."

"I'm finally going to fight (Misp/N)! I'll show her that I became stronger than her!"

Tanjiro sweat dropped at his companions. Their next Pillar Training would be at the Ice Pillar's Estate. When the trio heard that they will be training with you soon, they became excited. They haven't seen you in a while after the Red Light District incident.

"Caw! We're here! The Ice Pillar's Estate! Caw!"

Tanjiro's crow exclaimed as the trio stopped in their tracks. They were surprised when they saw some Demon Slayers were already waiting outside the Estate.

"Hey! Tanjiro!" A voice called out. Tanjiro turned to see Murata waving at them.

"Ah! Murata-san!" Tanjiro exclaimed as he and the others went towards him.

Tanjiro felt the tense atmosphere around and he heard the other Demon Slayers murmuring. Murata noticed Tanjiro looking at the other slayers.

"They're all nervous about the Ice Pillar. Rumors were spread that the Ice Pillar is a dangerous and scary person. Maybe even scarier than the Wind Pillar." Murata explained as the trio were confused.

"Eh? But (Y/N)-chan is the exact opposite of that." Zenitsu said as Tanjiro nodded in agreement.

"I don't know where they even get that idea. They must've not seen (Y/N)-san in person yet." Murata replied while rubbing the back of his head.

"Good morning everyone!" you greeted as you noticed the slayers flinched but quickly greeted you back.


"All of you will be training with me for 2 weeks. I hope we can all get along!" you exclaimed with a kind smile.

'..Cute.....' the slayers thought as a blush appeared on their cheeks.

"She's not scary at all."

"She's like an angel."

"Maybe the rumors aren't true."

Some slayers mumbled as they followed you to the training room. The atmosphere became really cheerful as the slayers chatted with one another.

"Maybe this weeks' training won't be difficult."

"Yeah! I bet we can easily finish this training!"

The slayers exclaimed with determination. You stopped in front of the training room and opened the doors.

The slayers paled when they saw some people inside the training room.

The slayers paled when they saw some people inside the training room

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