Chapter 32

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"The demon girl and lower moon 5 turned their heads in disgust. Despite being stabbed, (Y/N)'s bloody shoulder and Shinazugawa's flaunting of his bloody arm, they restrained themselves and did not bite. What surprised everyone the most is Upper Moon 2. He healed Shinazugawa's arm along with
(Y/N), who was injured and stabbed by Shinazugawa. The kanji on Upper Moon 2's eyes disappeared as well." One of the twins informed.

You noticed Oyakata-sama's eyes widened at the information as he still has his gentle smile on his face. "So now, it's been proven that Nezuko, Douma and even Rui won't attack humans, right?" Oyakata-sama said.

"Tanjiro.... I'm sure that even after this, there are some who can't accept Nezuko. You must prove it to them starting now. That you and Nezuko can fight as Demon Slayers. That you can be useful. Do that and you'll be accepted by all. And it will give more weight to your words." Oyakata-sama told Tanjiro.

"Nezuko, Douma-san, (Y/N)-san and I will defeat Muzan Kibutsuji. We will do it for sure! Strike with the sword that will stop the chain of grief!" Tanjiro exclaimed. Oyakata-sama smiled at him. "As you're ill equipped to do so right now, Tanjiro. Let's start by defeating a Twelve Kizuki, all right?" Oyakata-sama said as Tanjiro's face flushed in embarrassment. "Yes, sir." Tanjiro muttered. You watched some of the Pillars giggling as you heard Douma muffling his laughter. "I'm sorry~" Douma whispered.

"It goes without saying that the Hashiras of the Demon Slayer Corps have phenomenal skills. After training themselves to death, they have defied death, and they've also defeated Twelve Kizukis. That is why Hashiras receive respect and preferential treatment. So, Tanjiro, (Y/N), mind your manners when you speak." Oyakata-sama explained as he turned towards you and Douma.

"And (Y/N), I would like to ask if you would like to become a Pillar. Douma, would you like to become a Demon Slayer?" Oyakata-sama asked as all of you stood in shock. "Eh?" you and Douma exclaimed as a giant question mark sat on top of your heads. "(Y/N), both you and Douma have proven yourselves that you can fight as Demon Slayers when you have defeated Lower Moon 3 and battled many demons. You showed strength similar to a Pillar and your breath style is a rare one as well, considering no one has mastered or seen it since the Sengoku Era. So, would you two accept it?" Oyakata-sama asked.

"Um, if I may ask...." Douma trailed off. "Yes?" Oyakata-sama said. "If I become a Demon Slayer, do I get to spend more time with (Y/N)-chan without anyone trying to kill me?" Douma asked with a grin as your face flushed red. Everyone watched the scene, some with amusement in their eyes, while some with uncertainty of the situation.

"Of course." Oyakata-sama replied. "Then, I accept!" Douma exclaimed. 'Becoming a Pillar? I think it's a bit too sudden.' you thought as you saw Tomioka and Tanjiro looking at you with encouraging eyes and nodded. "I accept your offer, Oyakata-sama." you said as you and Douma bowed.

"But what about Lower Moon 5, Oyakata-sama? He was on Mt. Natagumo as well, he killed many humans." Shinobu stated. "I'm sorry... I realized the horrible things I have done....I want to redeem myself. I want to change and fix my mistakes! I want to make everything right! Please give me a chance to redeem myself." Rui exclaimed as he kneeled and bowed, making everyone look at him with wide eyes.

"In that case. (Y/N), I would like to put Rui in your care, is that all right?" Oyakata-sama asked as he turned to look at you. "Yes, of course." you replied. Rui was shocked as he looked at you and Douma. You were now healed thanks to Douma as the two of you sat together, looking at him.

"I .....want to fix my mistakes. Please, help me redeem myself."

"Ara ara~ if you really want to. You can come with me. We will help you redeem yourself. "

Rui's eyes had a glimmer of hope. He let out a smile on his face as went towards you and wrapped his arms around you. You let out a gentle smile as you patted his head.

"One more thing. Sanemi, Obanai, don't torment the younger ones too much. Especially you Sanemi..." Oyakata-sama scolded. "As you wish." Obanai replied. You helped Nezuko, Rui and Douma go back inside the box while Shinazugawa also bowed. Douma stuck out his tongue at Shinazugawa, Rui was doing the same while Nezuko looked at him angrily. "As you wish." Shinazugawa said as he tried to ignore the three demons' glare.

"(Y/N), Tanjiro, we have concluded our business with you. You may step back. You should also rest for a while, (Y/N)." Oyakata-sama said.

"In that case, allow us to take (Y/N) and Tanjiro to the Butterfly Estate!" Kanae exclaimed. Shinobu clapped her hands. "All right, then! Take them away please!" Shinobu said. A kakushi went near you and the demon trio. Douma, Rui, and Nezuko stared at the kakushi with dotted eyes as they slowly moved back. "It's okay! I'll carry them." you said as you closed the boxes and placed one on your back while you held the other one.

"Right this way." The kakushi told you as they lead you out of the house while Tanjiro was being carried on a kakushi's back. You saw Tanjiro hopped away from the kakushi as he went back to where the Pillars are. "Eh? Tanjiro-kun?" you called out as you followed after him.

"Now, let us begin the Hashira Meet--"

"Hold on a second!" Tanjiro yelled as he ran with you and the kakushis following behind him. "Come back here!" The kakushis yelled.

"Please allow me to headbutt that man covered in scars! I gotta headbutt him as many times as he stabbed my sister and my friends! Headbutting isn't a violation of the Corps rules, right?" Tanjiro exclaimed as the kakushis kept hitting him while trying to shush him. You were beside them with dotted eyes, you didn't know what to do since you're carrying both boxes. You saw three pebbles hit Tanjiro in the face as he fell to the ground with a thud.

"You're not allowed to interrupt Oyakata-sama." The Mist Pillar exclaimed as he played with a pebble. "We beg your pardon!" The kakushis exclaimed to Oyakata-sama and Muichiro as they both bowed repeatedly. "Just get out of our sight." Muichiro stated. "Yes sir!" The kakushis replied.

"Allow me to take the other box from you." The female kakushi said as she grabbed the box in your hands and placed it on her back. The male kakushi placed Tanjiro on his shoulder as they both scurried away. You looked back to see everyone looking at you. You let out a smile and waved at them. The Love and Flower Pillar returned your smile and waved back. Tomioka turned to you and waved, making sure the others don't notice it except you.

You were about to go and follow the kakushis when you heard Oyakata-sama called your name. "(Y/N)...... give Miss Tamayo my regards." Oyakata-sama exclaimed as he looked at you with a gentle smile on his face. "Of course, Oyakata-sama!" you happily exclaimed as you went and ran after the kakushis.

"Hold on a second! I just heard him mention Miss Tamayo's name!" Tanjiro exclaimed but was suddenly beaten up by the female kakushi. "Don't you say another word! We got yelled at because of you!" The female kakushi said. "I thought I'd pee my pants!" The male kakushi added. "You don't know how terrifying the Hashiras are! I'll never forgive you as long as I live!" The female kakushi said as she pulled Tanjiro's cheeks. 'I might never forgive that Wind Pillar for stabbing Douma-kun, Rui and Nezuko-chan. He even stabbed me in the shoulder as well.' you thought.

"Tanjiro-kun, I think you should apologize. You did cause us a scene back there. Anyways, I'm sorry for the trouble we got you two in." you apologized to the kakushis. "(L/N)-sama! It's alright! Thank you for worrying about us!" The male kakushi replied. "Eh? '(L/N)-sama'?" you asked.

"Well, you are the newly appointed Pillar. It will be rude of us to just say your name so casually." the female kakushi explained. "Ah! It's okay! Please, (Y/N) is fine." you said as you waved your arms around. "As you wish, (Y/N)-sama!" the kakushis replied, making you sweat drop. You continued to follow the kakushis to wherever they are going. "I.....I'm sorry." Tanjiro spoke out as you gave him a reassuring smile.

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