Chapter 12

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'Why would a mere human be accompanying a demon? What is the meaning of this? Who are these people? Are they a swordsman and demon working together?' the demon thought as Nezuko and Douma went out of the box. 'I don't get it at all.' the demon thought as he swam back to the ground.

"You okay, (Y/N)-chan?" Douma asked as you nodded. Douma then saw Nezuko went towards Kazumi and the unconscious girl as she patted them. 'Protect humans. The demons are the enemy. Never forgive any demon who brings harm onto humans.' Douma thought as he remembered Urokodaki telling him that while you were training outside. Urokodaki knew of his feelings towards you and told him to protect you or else he'll kill him himself.

The three demons appeared as Douma hid you behind his back, readying his fans. Nezuko ran towards the demons and raised her foot up then swung it down. The demon quickly went back, making Nezuko stomp on the ground creating a large crater. "Nezuko! Don't chase after him. Come back here." Tanjiro said. Nezuko went back towards you but the demon appeared on her path, about to attack her. "Nezuko/Nezuko-chan!" you and Tanjiro yelled in worry but Nezuko jumped over the demon and reached you all.

A puddle formed underneath Tanjiro, making him jump backwards away from you. You were about to go towards Tanjiro when a demon shot out at your right. You were quickly pulled away by Douma as he blocked the attack using his fan. "(Y/N)-san! I'm going underground! Please protect Nezuko, Kazumi-san and the girl." Tanjiro exclaimed as you nodded in understanding. He then took a step towards the puddle, you saw him slowly descend as you returned your focus to the other demon.

You, Douma and Nezuko continued to attack the demon and dodging its attacks. Nezuko punched the demon in the stomach making him stumble back. 'This girl is powerful. She doesn't seem to have mastered any morphing skills yet, but look how strong she is anyway. The same goes to the other one. No way! He's an upper moon?' the demon thought as his eyes widened when he saw Douma's eyes. 'They must have gotten a huge amount of blood from him!' the demon added as he tried to go back to his swamp but you ran and kicked him back. 'Damn! I can't dive back into the swamp!' Douma then attacked the demon as you and Nezuko protected Kazumi with your guards up in case the other two demons decide to join in.

The demon clawed Douma's eyes making him stagger back. "Douma-kun!" you exclaimed worriedly. The demon was about to attack again when you quickly dashed forward and sliced off his arm. The demon cried out in pain as he saw your angered look. "Hands off of him!" you angrily said as you swung again and removed the demon's other arm. The demon fell to the ground as he looked at you. "(Y/N)-san!" Tanjiro called as he and Nezuko went towards you and Douma.

'Did I just get taken out? Both of my other selves got taken out by them!' the demon thought as you pointed your sword towards him. "You give off a scent like rotten oil. It's a horrible smell!" Tanjiro exclaimed. 'Did you just insult him about his scent?' you thought with a sweat drop while Douma's wound started to heal making you relax a bit. 'I have to check that later in case the wound is too deep' you told yourself as your gaze went back to the demon.

"How many people have you killed?" you asked. "Listen! If women live any longer, they turn ugly and start tasting like crap! So, we killed them for their own good! We have to eat you and that other girl or else you'll taste like crap!" The demon yelled at you. You didn't noticed Douma starting to get angry. "You should be thankful to us demons--" the demon was quickly cut off by a slice to his mouth. "My (Y/N)-chan will still look beautiful no matter how old she gets. I won't allow you to eat her." Douma exclaimed as you saw his golden fan was dripping with blood. You grabbed Douma's hand, stopping him from further killing the demon. "Never mind that. You're going to tell us what you know about Muzan Kibutsuji." You said as you looked the demon in the eye, the demon can feel the cold aura you are letting out making him shiver.

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