Chapter 23

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You were sitting comfortably in the corner of the boy's bedroom. Douma went outside the room with Tanjiro, he didn't tell you why though. It's been a few days since you confessed your feelings to Douma. 'Does that mean we are lovers now? He is my first kiss after all. Ahh, this is so embarrassing.' you thought as your face began to turn red.

You heard Nezuko's box opened and watched her crawl out and turn to her normal size. "Nezuko-chan~ (Y/N)-chan~" you both heard someone exclaimed. You saw Zenitsu fidgeting his fingers while he wiggles side to side with a happy smile.

You and Nezuko just stared at him when he suddenly went closer to you two. "Nezuko-chan~ (Y/N)-chan~!" Zenitsu exclaimed as Nezuko pulled you up and ran away from Zenitsu with you. "Ehh, please stop chasing us, Zenitsu-kun!" you said but Zenitsu ignored it and continued to chase you two.

The door to the room slammed open and you can see Douma and Tanjiro watching the scene in front of them. "Ara ara~ even with all those injuries, you still have the energy to flirt with my (Y/N)-chan." Douma exclaimed as he readied his fans, about to attack Zenitsu. "If we add more injuries, I'm sure you are going to rest for a while." Douma added with a glint in his eyes.

You, Nezuko, and Tanjiro watched as Douma chased Zenitsu around the room. "D-Douma-kun, please stop, I think he learned his lesson!" you exclaimed as you tried to stop Douma by tugging on his arm. "Zenitsu, please apologize to Douma-san and stop." Tanjiro said as he chased after the group.

Nezuko now watched as Zenitsu ran ahead, crying. Douma was chasing after him with you trying to stop him. Tanjiro was in the back trying to calm them down.

"Come back here so we can end this quickly~"   

"Noooo! Please nooo!"   

"Douma-kun, please stop!"   

"Zenitsu just apologize already!"

All of you stopped running when the door was again slammed open and Inosuke yelled. He dashed towards Tanjiro and headbutted his back, making Tanjiro cry out in pain.

"W-what was that for?" Tanjiro asked as he rubbed his back in pain. Inosuke just yelled in shock making you all surprised as he chased Tanjiro around while Zenitsu chased at the back. You, Douma and Nezuko just watched the scene.

"Hold up! Hold up! Stop chasing us, Inosuke!"



"The doctor is here." the old woman exclaimed as you saw the female doctor again. You were in another room while Douma was in your room.

The doctor did you a checkup and smiled. "You have fully healed." she exclaimed, making you smile in return.

"Thank you very much!" you said as you watched the old woman lead the doctor on the way out.

You went back into your room to find Douma's back facing you while he was fiddling with something. "Douma-kun, what are you doing?" you asked causing Douma to jump in surprise and look at you. "Ah! (Y/N)-chan! Already done with your checkup?" Douma asked.

"Yup! The doctor said I have fully recovered. Anyway, what are you doing, Douma-kun?" you replied as Douma turned to you and smiled. He went towards you with his hands behind his back and placed something on top of your head. You noticed a mirror in the corner of your eye and saw a flower crown sat neatly on your head.

"I saw Nezuko-san making one of these last time and she taught me how to make one. I asked Tanjiro-san to find some flowers and ta-da! A flower crown!" Douma exclaimed.

"It's pretty, Douma-kun. Thank you!" You happily said. "Can I have a kiss then (Y/N)-chan~?" Douma asked with a grin on his face. "E-eh?" you asked as a blush appeared on your cheeks. "Aww~ That's what lovers do, right? Ara ara~ I'll just kiss you then." Douma said.

'Lovers?!' you thought when you felt Douma's lips pressed against yours then quickly pulls away. "Ara ara~ (Y/N)-chan is embarrassed! So cute~" Douma exclaimed as he hugged your blushing form and nuzzled your cheek.

The two of you heard someone knock at your door. "(Y/N)-san! Dinner is ready!" you hear Tanjiro called out. "Alright! Thank you Tanjiro-kun!" you replied.


"Can you read this for me, Inosuke-kun?" You asked Inosuke as you showed him a page of a children's story book.

"Are you stupid?! I can't read nor write!" Inosuke exclaimed. "I have been trying to teach you how for the past thirty minutes! What did you think we were doing?" you asked as Inosuke scratched the back of his neck. "Huh? Weren't we supposed to be waiting for Gonpachiro?" Inosuke said making you sweat drop.

"We are, Inosuke-kun. I am teaching you how to read and write so you won't have any trouble if you go on other missions where you need to do these things." you explained. You saw some fuzz balls coming from Inosuke. You didn't know what it meant or what he is feeling since he's wearing his boar mask.

The two of you heard squawking sounds as you looked up and saw your crow flying towards you. Your crow landed on the patio and ruffled its feathers. "Caw!
(Y/N) (L/N)! Head North! Head North! A demon has been sighted in a mountain! Caw!" your crow exclaimed.

"Eh? By myself? What about Tanjiro-kun and the others?" you asked. "Caw! (Y/N) (L/N)! You are to head north at once! Caw!" the crow said. "I'll go tomorrow. The others haven't fully recovered yet." you replied. The bird then began to pull on your hair, making you yelp in pain.

"Oi! Stupid bird! Let go of girlie or I will eat you!" Inosuke yelled as he swatted your crow away. "Fine, I'll go! Just let me prepare my things." you said as you fixed your hair. "You okay, girlie?" Inosuke asked.

"I'm fine, Inosuke-kun. And my name is (Y/N). (Y--N)." you pronounced your name.
"(Misp/N)!" Inosuke exclaimed. "Eh, close enough but you're almost there." you praised and patted his head. You saw more fuzz balls surrounding Inosuke but shook it off and went to get your things ready.


"I'm heading out now!" you exclaimed as you turned to look at your three friends and the kind old woman. "Be careful out there, (Y/N)-san." Tanjiro said as he patted your head. "(Y/N)-chan, come back so you can protect me from Inosuke!" Zenitsu exclaimed.

Inosuke watched the scene in front of him as you went towards him. "I'll teach you how to read and write more when I come back. Please don't cause any trouble for the others, Inosuke-kun." you told Inosuke as you patted his head.

You then went to the old woman and bowed. "Thank you very much for everything!" you exclaimed as the old woman bowed back. "Now then, for good luck." the old woman said as she took out a stone and a flint.

(Idk what it's called.)

"Thank you so much!" you exclaimed and turned around while the three boys watched. Inosuke saw the old woman creating sparks. "What do you think you're doing, old hag?!" Inosuke yelled making you, Tanjiro and Zenitsu surprised.

"What are you, a moron? She's striking sparks for good luck! It's a purification ceremony!" Zenitsu exclaimed as he went in front of the old woman to make sure she doesn't get hurt while you and Tanjiro were trying to pull Inosuke back from hurting the old woman.

"Caw! Caw! (Y/N) (L/N)! Head north! Hurry! Caw!" your crow yelled as it flew around you. "I wish you luck in your battle, dearie." the kind old woman told you as you gave her a bow. "Thank you again for everything." you exclaimed as you began to follow your crow.

You turned back and waved to your friends. "I'll see you guys soon!" you yelled as you watched them wave back at you.

"Let's go, Douma-kun." you whispered. You heard some muffled hums from inside the box as you faced forward and continued on your way.

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