Chapter 54

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You heard a voice exclaimed as someone clung onto your stomach. You looked down to see Warabihime hugging you as tears fell from her eyes.

"Eh?" you exclaimed. You were confused. Warabihime earlier was mad and now she's crying while clinging on to you.

"(Y/N)-sama, I'm sorry for slapping your hand earlier! I didn't know it was you!" Warabihime said as she looked at you. You noticed her voice was somewhat familiar as your eyes widened in realization.

"Daki-chan?! You're Warabihime?!" you asked in shock. "Hai!!" Daki replied.


"I'm glad you're here, (Y/N)-sama. I was shocked when I heard from Akaza-san that he killed you. I'm happy to see you're okay!." Daki happily said as she handed you a cup of tea. "Akaza-san?" you asked as Daki hummed. "Upper Moon 3." Daki answered as you nodded when you recalled the events of your last mission.

"You don't have to worry about the customers. I told the master of the house that you will be spending time with me today." Daki added as you gave her a look.

"Eh? What's wrong, (Y/N)-sama?" Daki asked, worried. "Daki-chan.... I was sent here to find a demon that's been causing trouble around here. Are you....?" you asked as you frowned at Daki.

Daki's eyes widened as she waved her hands around. "N-no! No! I promised you that I wouldn't dare hurt any humans! I only hid them!" Daki explained frantically.

"Hid them?" you asked as with a questioning look. "Hai. Onii-chan and I aren't the only demons here. Master sent another demon to this place. Upper Moon 2." Daki explained as your eyes widened.

"Upper Moon 2?" you asked. "Yes. Her name is Dokubu. She's the most annoying and disgusting demon I already disliked her. The master sent her here to make sure we were doing our mission." Daki said.

"Then what about the women who disappeared? Was she the one who did it?" you asked as Daki shook her head in reply. "No. I was the one doing it. They aren't dead nor hurt. I only made them unconscious and hid them at a place where no one could find them. I remembered you telling me that humans shouldn't be harmed and they must be protected and that's what I did." Daki added.

"Why did you hide the women, Daki-chan?" you asked as you sipped your tea. "Dokubu is planning on killing them and gain some information about you and your fellow Demon Slayers. She knows that there are some people here disguising themselves as prostitutes. She already marked out her prey and I can't let that happen. I decided to beat her to it first before she hurts anyone." Daki explained.

"Do you know where she might be? Or what she looks like?" you asked. Daki scrunched up her face in disgust as she tries to recall the demon. "She's the most ugliest and cruel creature I have ever met." Daki said. "Daki-chan, that's too much and it's not what I meant." you replied with a sweat drop.

"Oh! Sorry. Well how should I say this.... she has long pink hair and somewhat black dull eyes. She's also disguising herself whenever she goes out." Daki described as your eyes widened. "Does she happen to wear a pink floral kimono?" you asked as Daki looked at you and nodded.

"I may have already met her by accident...." you trailed off as your eyes looked at the floor instead of Daki. "WHAT?! What did she do? Did she hurt you?" Daki frantically asked as she grabbed your shoulders and looked you over for any injuries.

"No, she didn't hurt me. I accidentally bumped into her, that's all." you explained as Daki let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad she didn't place a mark on you." Daki stated as you looked at her confused.

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