Chapter 25

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"So.... it is true." The demon stated.

'Another Twelve Kizuki!? His eyes show he's Upper Moon 1, Douma-kun is Upper Moon 2. Is he the strongest of all the Twelve Kizuki?' you thought. Douma stood in front of you, hiding you from the demon.

"A Demon Slayer who can use the breath of ice. Tell me, who taught you that breath style?" the demon asked you.

"No one did. I created the breath style myself. Who are you and what do you want?" you replied as you readied your blade. The demon's eyes widened when he saw your blade.

'A white blade. It's just like hers. And she created the breath of ice herself. Could it be...?' the demon thought as he continued to stare at you, ignoring Douma.

"I am Kokushibo, Upper Moon 1. I was told about a demon slayer who can use the breath of ice. I wanted to see it myself and now I did." the demon informed as he turned and began to walk away but stopped and looked back at you.

"We shall meet again soon..........

Imouto." The demon stated as your eyes widened when your vision changed.

In front of you stood a person wearing the same clothes like Upper Moon 1. He has a mark on the side of his cheek and on his forehead. He had on a soft gaze as he gave you a gentle smile. Your vision turned back to normal as you watched the demon walk away.

You and Douma had on a confused look. "What does he mean by imouto?" Douma asked. "I don't know myself. He didn't attack us like Lower Moon 3. There must be something else as to why he came. Douma-kun, the sun is about to rise, you should go back in the box." you said as Douma went back inside the box but not before giving you a kiss on the forehead making you blush.

You picked up the box and went to find Kotoha. "Kotoha-san! Kotoha-san! Where are you?" you called out as you searched the area to find the lady. "(Y/N)-san! Up here!" you heard Kotoha yelled out as you looked up and saw her hanging on a tree branch.

"(Y/N)-san! I'm glad you're okay!" Kotoha exclaimed with relief. "Hai! Thank you for worrying! Let me guide you back to your home to make sure you're safe." you replied as you waited for her to come down the tree. "Um....
(Y/N)-san?" Kotoha called out.

"Hm? What's wrong Kotoha-san?"  you asked as you looked at her above. "I can't get down! Please help me!" Kotoha exclaimed as tears formed in her eyes. 'How did you even get up there in the first place?' you thought with a sweat drop as you went to help her get down.


"Well, here it is! Thank you so much for saving me from the demon!" Kotoha exclaimed with a bow. "It's fine! I'm glad to meet Inosuke-kun's mother in person!" you replied as you waved your hand around. Kotoha noticed your teared up haori.

"How about I sew up your haori as thanks. I'm very happy to know that Inosuke is making friends." Kotoha suggested. "Oh, it's fine. You don't have to." you said. "But I insist! You helped me down the tree earlier as well!" Kotoha exclaimed as you felt defeated and gave her your haori.

You watched as Kotoha skillfully sew up your haori with ease. "Here you go, (Y/N)-san!" Kotoha said as she handed you your haori. You gently put on your haori and you had on a large smile as you felt your haori looked brand new again. "Thank you so much, Kotoha-san!" you happily exclaimed and bowed with stars in your eyes.

You and Kotoha heard your crow making squawking sounds as it approached you. "Caw! (Y/N)
(L/N)! You are to go to Mt. Natagumo! Mt. Natagumo! Caw!" your crow exclaimed. You let out a sigh and turned to look at Kotoha. "I guess I'll be heading off now. It was nice to meet you again, Kotoha-san. Thank you for fixing my haori." you said as you gave her a bow. "Good luck, (Y/N)-san. Please tell Inosuke to be safe." Kotoha replied as she waved you goodbye.

You waved back and turned to follow your crow. "Caw! Follow me! Follow me! To Mt. Natagumo! Caw!" your crow yelled as you followed it to your next mission.

' strange. He looks like the one in my other vision.' you thought but quickly shook it off as you ran with your crow. 'I'll have to figure it out later. I hope I can see the others soon.' you thought as you continued on your journey.

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