Douma vs Michikatsu

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You walked beside Yoriichi as you both made your way to find Michikatsu's classroom.

"What's Michi-nii taking so long? The bell rang a few minutes ago." you thought aloud as you looked at your brother.

"Haganezuka-sensei might still be teaching them Biology. They sometimes go early or late for lunch." Yoriichi explained as he smiled at you.

"So, how are you and your boyfriend?" Yoriichi suddenly asked, making a blush appear on your cheeks.

"B-boyfriend?!" you asked in shock to which Yoriichi just nodded in reply. "Douma is your lover, right? Meaning he is your boyfriend as well. Is there something wrong?" Yoriichi asked as he stopped and looked at you.

You stopped in your tracks and shook your head. "No, nothing's wrong, Yorii-nii. I was just shocked at the question, that's all." you replied. 'Yorii-nii is probably right. Douma-kun and I are lovers, then he is also my boyfriend. Right?' you thought as you quickly shrugged it off.

Your eyes caught sight of students filing out off their classrooms, their heads down as they let out a gloomy aura. You sweat dropped at the sight as you looked at Yoriichi who just shrugged in response.

You saw Michikatsu coming out of the classroom. "Michi-nii, is everything all right? We saw some students come out with their heads hung low." you asked as the eldest Tsugikuni stopped in front of you.

"Brother, what happened?" Yoriichi added as the two of you looked at Michikatsu in confusion.

"Haganezuka-sensei kept talking on and on. The others didn't bother to listen to him, making him angry. He decided to make us stay longer than the usual time." Michikatsu explained.

"(Y/N)-chan!!" you heard someone call out as you turned to see Douma tackling you in a hug.

"Hello Douma-kun!" you greeted Douma with a bright smile as you returned the hug. You noticed Douma didn't return your smile as you looked at him in worry. "Douma-kun?" you asked as you looked at Douma.

Douma turned to look at you with a serious expression. Yoriichi and Michikatsu gave him a questioning look as they watched his next moves.

Douma cupped both of your cheeks and pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes widened in surprise as your face turned red.

Michikatsu had a dark aura forming around him while Yoriichi continued to watch in amusement.

Douma pulled away from the kiss and gave you a wide grin. He let go of you and began to walk away.

"Thanks for the serotonin, love!" Douma exclaimed as he turned and waved at you.

"L-love?" you asked. Your face red in embarrassment as you stood still with wide eyes.

"Why you little..." Michikatsu muttered as he pulled out his textbook and threw it towards Douma. The book went and hit Douma straight in the head, making him trip and fall to the floor.


Michikatsu- 1
Douma- 0


"Ow ow ow." Douma winced as you placed an ice pack on the bump forming in his head.

"I'm sorry..." you said as you laid Douma's head on your lap. The two of you had a free period. You asked Yoriichi to go with Douma to which he let you. Douma hummed as he shifted in his position and wrapped his arms around your stomach.

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