Chapter 49

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"(Y/N)-chan! I'm glad you're all right! We were so worried when you weren't waking up!" Douma exclaimed as he pulled you in an embrace.

"I'm okay now thanks to you, Douma-kun. You healed my wounds." you replied as you patted Douma on the head.

"We had to stop the others from killing Kokushibo-san when he came along with us. We managed to convince Kanae-san and Shinobu-san along with the other Pillars with the help of Rengoku-san." Rui informed as he sat down on your bed.

"Really? Then I'm glad. Thank you." you said as you gave Rui a pat on the head, making sparkles appear around him.

"Have you guys seen Michi-nii?" you asked as Douma and Rui shared a look. "He went out to find Kanae-san to retrieve your medicine. He's been taking a bit too long now." Douma answered as you all heard the door to the room open.

"Kanae-san!" you greeted as you saw the Flower Pillar at the door. "(Y/N)-san. I'm glad you're recovering well. Your uniform was torn to shreds but don't worry, I will ask Maeda-san to make you a new one along with Douma, Rui and your brother as well." Kanae exclaimed with her happy smile on her face. "I'm sorry for the trouble! Thank you, Kanae-san!" you said. "It's fine, it's fine." Kanae reassured as she waved her hand.

"Has Kokushibo-san given you your medicine yet?" Kanae asked. You, Douma and Rui had on a confused look as you all stared at Kanae.

"Eh? But he hasn't returned yet." Rui answered. "Oh? That's strange... I just gave it to him about ten minutes ago." Kanae exclaimed. You started to get worried as you slowly stood up from the bed. "Something must have happened. We have to find him." you stated as you all suddenly heard footsteps running and someone screaming.

"What was that?" Douma asked as the three of you went out of the room with Kanae to see a tiny figure running away from a white haired pillar. "Oh no." you exclaimed.


Shinazugawa yelled as he swung his blade at the tiny Kokushibo. Kokushibo just kept on running as he dodged the Wind Pillar's attacks.

"Michi-nii!" you called out in worry as you wathed the scene in front of you

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"Michi-nii!" you called out in worry as you wathed the scene in front of you.

Kokushibo headed towards you and hid behind your legs as you saw Shinazugawa stop in his tracks.

"Out of the way! I'm gonna kill that Upper Moon!" Shinazugawa exclaimed as he pointed his blade towards Kokushibo.

"W-wait! He's not our enemy! He's on our side!" you explained as you  shielded your tiny older brother from the Wind Pillar.

"Hah?! That's impossible! Now move over or that demon will hurt humans!" Shinazugawa yelled as he walked closer towards you. Kanae placed her hand on Shinazugawa's shoulder, making the male look at her.

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