Chapter 48

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You opened your eyes to find yourself in an area full of bamboos. 'Where.... am I?' you thought as you walked around.

"(Y/N)." you heard someone called.

You turned around to see Yoriichi standing a few feet away from you. "Come, I don't want you to get lost." Yoriichi said as he held out his hand towards you. You nodded as you walked towards him and held his hand.

"Do you think Michi-nii is all right? We haven't seen him in a few days. I'm getting worried." you thought aloud as you and Yoriichi walked through the bamboos.

"I'm not sure as well. But I know that brother is all right. Maybe he went on a mission by himself. He's strong, I know he'll be fine." Yoriichi replied as you nodded.

"How are you feeling by the way? You passed out for a while when you achieved your demon slayer mark. Brother and I got really worried about you." Yoriichi asked as he pointed at your mark.

"I'm okay, Yorii-nii. I feel somehow stronger than before. Maybe I can lift you and Michi-nii at the same time." you joked as you lightly traced the design of your mark.

You felt Yoriichi stopped in his tracks as you gave him a questioning look. You noticed he was looking at something. You followed his gaze to see two figures up ahead. One is a male and the other is a woman. Your eyes widened when you recognized the man in front.

'The progenitor of demons

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'The progenitor of demons...... Muzan Kibutsuji.' you thought as you looked at the woman beside him. 'She must be one of his followers.' you thought as you noticed the woman's sad expression while the male beside her smirked.

You can feel the violent intent coming from the demon lord as you and Yoriichi unsheathed your blades.

"I am no longer interested in swordsmen who use breathing"

You heard Kibutsuji exclaim when you noticed the slight movement in his arm as you and your brother dodged an incoming attack

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You heard Kibutsuji exclaim when you noticed the slight movement in his arm as you and your brother dodged an incoming attack.

'He's fast! He also possess a long reach!' you thought. You then heard the bamboo behind you splitting and falling in a considerable distance.

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