Chapter 37

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You lifted your head up from your position to see Kokushibo standing a few feet away from you.

You jumped up and took a stance as you grabbed your blade but you didn't felt it. 'Right, he took my blade.' you thought as you looked at Kokushibo and raised your fists in a defensive position. "Are you here to finish what you were supposed to do?" you asked. Kokushibo shook his head, making you confused but you kept your guard up.

"I'm not here to fight you or become your enemy. I'm here to fight alongside you." Kokushibo said. Your eyes widened in shock when you heard his statement as you looked at him incredulously. "Why? After you took my blade away, how can I trust you, brother?" you asked. You noticed Kokushibo's eyes were filled with sadness when you called him brother.

"I did it.........

so I can protect you." Kokushibo answered.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). Yoriichi and I will always protect you."

You heard a voice exclaimed as you held your head in pain. "I told him that you were dead so that he wouldn't look for you. I gave him your blade as proof but I think it wouldn't be enough. But it will buy you some time." Kokushibo informed. 'Did he just.... lie to Kibutsuji?' you thought. "But wouldn't Kibutsuji know that you were lying to him?" you asked. "No. He knows that I'm loyal to him. But when it comes to you, that's where everything changes." Kokushibo said.

"Why are you suddenly changing your sides?" you asked. Kokushibo walked towards you as he took out a cloth from his kimono. He held the cloth towards you as you hesitantly opened it. You saw two flutes inside the cloth as your vision began to change again.

Yoriichi held you close to him as you both watched Michikatsu talking to your father. "Forget about these two, Michikatsu! They are not needed here! Especially that girl! I can't believe Akeno would give birth to a frail and sick kid!" your father yelled as he began beating Michikatsu.

"I'm..... sorry for being weak, Yorii-nii. If I wasn't weak, then father wouldn't have done this." you mumbled out as you looked at your tiny hands. Since Yoriichi couldn't speak, he held one of your hands as a way to comfort you. Both you and Yoriichi were in your room as you two waited for Michikatsu. Yoriichi placed a wet towel on your forehead as he gently pushed you to lay down on your bed.

The door to your room opened as you saw Michikatsu with a bruised face. You abruptly sat up and let out a coughing fit. Yoriichi patted your back while Michikatsu guide you to your bed. "Hey, don't move too much. You're still sick and it might get worse." Michikatsu exclaimed as he checked your temperature and noticed you were still hot. "I'm sorry...." you exclaimed.

Michikatsu gave you a reassuring smile as he patted your head. "It's fine. Oh I forgot. Here, I made these myself." Michikatsu said as he held out two flutes towards you and Yoriichi. "Blow these if the two of you need help. Nii-san will come and save you right away." Michikatsu explained as you held the flute in your hands while Yoriichi held his.

"But, you could get in trouble, Michi-nii. I'm only a burden for you and Yorii-nii. It's just like what father says, I'm sickly and frail." you said as you traced the designs of the flute. "Yoriichi and I made a promise to protect you. We'll always be here for you, (Y/N). That's why you don't need to worry about anything." Michikatsu replied as he gave you a grin.

Even if he's bruised up, he still has the energy to give you a smile. Tears started to form in your eyes as some fell on your blanket. "Ah! Don't cry, (Y/N). Everything's all right." Michikatsu reassured as you wiped some of your tears away. You felt a hand patting your head as you looked up to see Yoriichi with a gentle smile on his face. "T-thank you...." you croaked out with a smile on your face.

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