Chapter 60

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"Go, Onii-chan!"

"Daki, you do know you're going to blow one as well, right?"

"What? But Gyuutarou and I are already sharing this gourd."

"No. You're blowing another gourd by yourself."

"What!? That's impossible!"

"Rui and Akaza did it all by themselves and they managed to break it."

"Yeah! It was hard but it's worth it!"

You heard voices inside the training room. Gotou gently placed you down and assisted you towards the training room. You were hesitant to go in so you decided to take a peek. Your eyes widened when you saw Daki cheering on Gyuutarou, who's blowing the giant gourd with Douma watching and guiding them.

 Your eyes widened when you saw Daki cheering on Gyuutarou, who's blowing the giant gourd with Douma watching and guiding them

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Kokushibo was teaching Akaza and Rui how to swing their swords and helping them with their movements.

Daki noticed you by the door and began to run towards you. "(Y/N)-sama!!!!" Daki yelled as she tackled you in a hug, causing the both of you to fall on the ground. Gotou, who was beside you, panicked as he debated if he should help you up or remove the female demon on top of you.

You waved Gotou off when you saw him began to get worried. "(Y/N)-sama! You were out for so long! I was wanting to spend time with you!" Daki cried out as she tightened her hug. You smiled as you returned the hug and patted Daki on the head. "I'm okay now. Sorry for worrying you, Daki-chan." you exclaimed as you and Daki stood up.

The two of you went inside the training room, Daki still clinging onto you. "Guys! (Y/N)-sama is awake!" Daki announced as everyone stopped at what they were doing and looked at you with wide eyes. "Eh? What's wrong?" you asked as you looked at them with dotted eyes.

"Okaa-san!" Rui exclaimed as he jumped in your arms and hugged you. Kokushibo, Akaza, and Gyuutarou smiled at you as you returned it by smiling brightly at them. You looked to find Douma standing still, staring at you.

You walked towards him with Rui in your arms. Douma watched your movements as you placed your hand on his face and caressed his cheeks. "Good morning, Douma-kun." you exclaimed as you gently smiled at him.

Rui looked at Douma as well while still hugging your neck. Douma held your hand that was on his cheek as tears formed in his eyes.

 Douma held your hand that was on his cheek as tears formed in his eyes

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"(Y/N)-chan...." Douma muttered out as he quickly wrapped his arms around you and Rui. "Don't scare me like that again!" Douma cried out as he tightened his hold on you.

"Otou-san is squishing me." Rui muttered as he patted Douma on the shoulder. "I'm sorry, Douma-kun. I won't let it happen again but you're squishing me and Rui." you spoke out as you patted Douma on the head, comforting him.

"Come on, let her go. She just recovered." Akaza exclaimed as he tried to pull Douma away from you. "No! You're just going to steal her attention!" Douma hissed and narrowed his eyes at Akaza as he pulled you closer to him. "What?! What gave you the idea?" Akaza asked as a small blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Douma-kun, you're squishing Rui and I." you said as you patted Douma's arm to signal him to let go. You can almost see Rui's soul leaving his body as you tried to let Douma let you go but he won't budge. "Rui!" you called out in worry.

"Ahh! You're blushing! You ARE trying to steal (Y/N)-chan!" Douma yelled as he pointed an accusing finger at Akaza. "You think you're going to steal (Y/N)-chan away from me? Guess what? She's already mine!" Douma exclaimed as he stuck out his tongue at Akaza.

"The hell are you talking about? I only respect her!" Akaza retaliated as he walked towards Douma. "Excuses, excuses. Just say the truth that you're becoming a love rival! Oh wait, you can't because (Y/N)-chan already loves me! Hah!" Douma teased

"You idiot! I only respect her! There is a difference between respect and love!" Akaza yelled, annoyed at Douma's teasing.

"Enough." Kokushibo stated as he whacked the two demons on the head with a wooden sword. Douma and Akaza fell to the floor with a giant bump forming on their heads. "You're both injuring (Y/N) and made Rui pass out." Kokushibo said as you held a passed out Rui while trying your best to comfort the duo on the floor.

"Hey, (Y/N)-sama. What's that on your body?" Gyuutarou asked as you looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" you asked. "This one, (Y/N)-sama. That birthmark you have." Daki said as she pointed at the snowflake mark on your body.

"Hm? Now that I think about it, I haven't seen this mark in my life." you exclaimed as you sat down on the floor and placed Rui's head on your lap.

"That's your demon slayer mark. Do you remember how you got it? Felt something different in your body?" Kokushibo asked as he looked at your mark.

You tried to recall what happened in the Red Light District and made a snapping sound with your fingers. "I remembered something happening when I was battling Upper Moon 2. She was about to hurt Rui and my body was paralyzed that time." you said as Kokushibo listened intently.

"I had this sudden vision about me training with you and Yorii-nii. I saw the mark in my vision then after that my body felt really light! And I was moving really really fast! My heart felt like it was about to burst from the adrenaline I was feeling!" you exclaimed as you made hand gestures here and there.

Kokushibo placed the back of his hand against your forehead as you gave him a questioning look. "You still have a fever. It's a side effect you had when you achieved your demon slayer mark back then. You should take some rest." Kokushibo stated as he patted your head.

"Kokushibo-san being caring?! Is the world ending?!" Daki exclaimed in shock while Kokushibo just deadpanned at her. "It will if you don't break the giant gourd, Daki." Kokushibo stated while Douma sat down beside you and leaned his head on top of yours.

Douma saw Rui sleeping on your lap to which he patted his head. "Sorry for squishing you and Rui earlier, (Y/N)-chan." Douma muttered as you let out a smile. "It's okay." you replied as Douma wrapped his arms around you.

"Get back to training." Kokushibo stated as Daki, Gyuutarou and Akaza obeyed. "You too." Kokushibo said as he looked at Douma. "Eh? Can't I spend some time with (Y/N)-chan, brother-in-law?" Douma asked as he looked at Kokushibo with dotted eyes.

"No. Don't call me that." Kokushibo replied as he pulled Douma by the back collar and headed to where the others are. "Nooooo." Douma whined as he tried to reach out for you. You were about to help him when you felt your brother looking at you. "Don't even try, (Y/N). Just go and rest." Kokushibo said as he walked to the other side of the room while dragging a whining Douma.

You let out a sigh as you looked down at your lap. "Guess you're resting with me then, Rui." you mumbled out as you gently patted Rui's head. You felt Rui nuzzling closer to your hand, causing your smile to widen.

"Not fair, Rui! I want to be in (Y/N)-chan's lap too!"

"Get back to training."

"What?! Brother-in-law, you're just going to let him go?!"

"Don't call me that. I still don't accept you to be with her."

"Eh?! What do I need to do to prove myself to you?!"

"Go back to training."

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