Chpater 42

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We drive for a few more minutes until we pull into a parking lot in front of a huge building. This is more like a skyscraper than a building. I see a huge sign that says XK Inc.

"I need to grab a few things are you coming in?" He asks and I shake my head. He gets out and goes into the building.

I need to pee now so I go into the building. I go to the receptionist. She is a beautiful woman maybe a few years older than me with red hair and blue eyes.

"Excuse me." I say and she looks at me

"Yes, how may I help you?" She asks

"I need to see Xavier please." I say because I know that they won't just let me use the bathroom.

"Are you kidding me, Mr. Knight is A very busy man get out before I call security." She says

"I'm his girlfriend, just call him and tell him that Annalise wants to talk to him." I say and she bursts out laughing

"No offense but Mr. Knight doesn't date he fucks and leaves and you are most definitely not his type." She says and I take out my phone and dual his number.

"Yes love?" He asks

"I want to tell you something important please tell your receptionist that I'm your bloody girlfriend." I say and give the phone to the woman. I'm so bloody angry now and the pee is pressing to come out.

"Hello, if this is some prank then get lost I have work to do." She says and hangs up. This place is beautiful and hundreds of people are running around with files and papers.

Everything suddenly goes quiet and the receptionist stands up and fixes her blouse. I look at Xavier coming towards me with a frown on his face.

"Who the fuck is my receptionist!?" He shouts and people flinch and point to the woman In front of me.

He walks over to us and i move out of his way. He slams his hands down on the counter and looks her dead in the eyes.

"You should thank God that I don't hit women, where the hell is Annalise!?" He shouts at her and she points at me that is now standing behind him. He turns around and his eyes soften.

"Sir this woman claims to be your girlfriend." The receptionist says

"She isn't my girlfriend." He says
"Everyone leave everything that you are doing and come here!" He shouts and everyone gathers around us.

"Xavier." I say and I hear people hiss and he looks at me.

"If you ever see this woman in here again call me immediately or send her to my office." He says.

"Who is she sir?" A man asks

"This is future Mrs. Knight, don't you people watch news? She's my fiancee and if any of you mistreat her you can kiss your job goodbye." He says and people gasp and start whispering

"Xavier." I say and he continues with his speech totally ignoring me.
"Xavier!" I shout and he looks at me.
"We need to talk it's an emergency." I say and now he looks shocked

"What's wrong love?" He asks in a soft voice.

I grab his hand and pull him to a corner everyone's eyes are still on us.

"I need to pee." I whisper into his ear.

"Why didn't you say so?" He asks and I give him a death glare. He leads me to the bathroom and I close the door behind me and do my business. Then I come back out to find him waiting for me on a chair.

"Did you get what you needed?" I ask

"No, I just need one more thing are you coming or are you waiting for me?" He asks

"I think I'll wait." I say and he walks to a black elevator and goes up, I start walking back to the parking lot when I bump into someone and pages go flying.

"Oh no, im so sorry." A man says and I help him pick up the pages that fell.

"I'm sorry I wasn't looking." I say with a small smile. And I finally get a good look at him. He is handsome. He is tall and muscular but not like Xavier and he has great eyes with dirty blond hair.

"Hi, I'm Kevin, I don't think ive seen you before." He says
"I would've remembered." He says

"I'm Annaliss, just visiting someone." I say

"Can I please have your number Annalise i would like to get to know you better." He says and wiggled his eyebrows.

"I have a boyfriend and I don't think he would like that, I need to go sorry." I say and walk past him but he grabs my wrist.

"Come on I can show you a good time." He says and before I can react someones hand collides with his jaw and he falls on the floor spitting out blood.

"You're fired get the fuck out of my building and never touch my wife again." Xavier says and grabs my hand and takes me to the car.

"Xavier wait." I say but he just tightens his grip on my hand and walks faster. I'm now jogging behind him and he's just walking, when we get to the car he pushes me up against it and he kisses me deep and roughly, I respond and kiss back that is until he bites my lip and I pull away.

"You are mine, never let another man touch you or there will be consequences." He says and when I look into his eyes I see concern and love but mostly rage.

"I didn't let him touch me baby." I say in a soft voice.
"You are the only man that can touch me." I say and give him a small kiss on the lips then he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. When he opens them again I only see love.

He backs up and I get into the car, he closes the door for me and gets in on the other side then we're off again.

All of this drama because of a pee.

Heyyyyyy my loves sorry for not updating I don't have data but here's a little something

I hope you enjoyed it

Love You All
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With love from
V. T.W

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