Chapter 16 Reunion

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"Hisoka! Where are you?" Yelled a spiky raven haired boy. In his hand is a cotton candy on a stick.

You might be wondering, why is Gon-our precious boy, is looking for Hisoka the unpredictable and suspicious looking pinkish haired man that clearly look as if he had escaped from prison for his existence itself.

Well, believe it or not, both of them hit it off pretty well. Hisoka was not any less creepy but at least he is able to initiate a conversation and kept it going.

His weird and randomness brought up questions that are somewhat a decent topic to discuss.

Gon tore a bit of cotton candy and place it in his mouth, the cloud like sugar melted on his tongue. How did he get the cotton candy, you ask? Well Hisoka bought them. Obviously, he saw him personally bought it right out of a proper stand. Who knows what else would be added to the sugary goodness if Gon had not pay any attention.

He could have added some little sea urchin to it and Gon would accidentally eat it. Gon has done something like that before so he knows how painful sea urchins can be.

In the middle of tonight's festival, Gon had seen plenty of wonderfully things. They had said that tonight's festive is because it's the Night of A Thousand Moonstone, as an added bonus, they are also celebrating the crown prince's return. Unfortunately the royal family won't be formally attending the ceremony.

The spiked haired boy shrugged when he had heard this, he was awed, but he doesn't really care for any royal families, he is already in one and he run from it all the time.

He wonders how Kurapika and Leorio are doing, no doubt they're worried sick. But Gon has no intention of going back unless the two of them make up.

"Hisoka!" Gon called once again. He walked slowly pass the center fountain away, continue on his search for Hisoka.

Unknowingly, the two people that Gon was wondering about was directly on the bench across the fountain he had passed. The blonde mermaid that's now human is seated on a bench, covering his face in frustration and worry. He had lost Gon, again.

Kurapika felt stupid as he had not thought for one bit that this would be happening again, like all those previous times where Gon wonders off on his own and came back a week later.

"He's fine, Kurapika. Stop worrying, if he's as strong as you've claimed then there is nothing to worry about." The previously octopus witch patted the blonde's back, trying to be reassuring.

"This is different!" Kurapika exclaimed. "We're amongst humans! Humans! They eat their own kind! What if they ate Gon!"

Leorio's eyebrow rose up, confused as he thought how did the rumors about human escalate this far in the merpeople community.

"Listen, I don't know where you got that idea from. But humans don't eat humans, the sane ones at least. There are tons of cannibalistic animals in the sea, why aren't you afraid of them?"

"Because their brains are usually the size of a plankton." Kurapika answered.

Leorio slapped his forehead. He wonders, why did he like this person previously?

"First, that is rude to all the fishes in the sea." He pointed an accusing hand at Kurapika who frowned afterwards. "Second, you're not afraid of them because you know them better than you know humans."

Kurapika looked at the pointed finger that is still onto him and used his palm to push it away. "There might be non-facts included in your statement. That aside, what are you suggesting we do?"

The octopus grins and stood from the bench where he had sat down on. "I'm glad you ask, because I know humans better than you. Which do you choose? A lecture about humans or experiencing the human life directly?"

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