Chapter 13 Weakness

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A silver haired teen could be seen chained onto the wall, his feet hovering above the ground. He showed a momentary weakness, look where that got him. Once again unable to fight back as usual.

He's been here all night, whipped by one of his big brother, Milluki. 'That fatass really have a grudge on me for being the successor huh. I would gladly hand him the position of crown prince... I prefer...' A face pop up on his mind, Gon's face. "Gon..."

A loud bang resonates all over the stone dungeon. The second he saw the opened door, he also saw a fat figure walking inside. On the figure's hand was a whip with hooks as thorns decorating its sides.

"Killua, what did you do to be sent here" Milluki ask, he was curious but doesn't care.

The teen in front of him just stayed silent, looking on the floor.

"Nevermind, I don't care anyways. I'm good enough whipping you. I brought you a new one, I don't think the normal ones work effectively anymore."

The silver haired boy kept silent, this action irritates his torturer. Milluki raise his whip and hits Killua on his abdomen. He grinds his teeth together to stop the voices from coming out of his mouth.

When the whip was pulled back, the young prince let out a low hiss. He looks up at the now bloodied whip. On some of the hooks there's small chunks of his flesh, any harder then it the one being ripped won't only be his flesh.

"Is that all you got? I didn't feel a thing. You should start exercising, might burn off your fats and maybe I could feel a tickle" says the bloodied prince. He knew that he hit Milluki's sore spot. Since youth he's been faced with Milluki's dislike, when someone dislike you that much, you can't help but reciprocate with your own malice.

"Why you-" Now raging, Milluki once again raise the sharp whip but before he can land a blow the door slam open, making him halt his movement. "I said no one can come in" He turns around ready to whip the insolent individual that dares to interrupt his fun but the one that came in wasn't who he expected to be "Grandfather?"

An old man stood by the door, wrinkles visible as a sign of his old age, his hair white and neck leaned forward. He walks closer to Milluki. "I've come to fetch Killua, release him"

"B-But grandfather-"

Milluki's complain was silenced by the old man's glare. He let out a grumble and bury his hand into his pocket trying to find the key for Killua's restraints.

"No need" said the hanged boy. He pulled his right hand forward and the chains binding him was broken. He did the same thing with his left hand. Once his feet touched the ground he crushed the remaining steel that used to be his restrain and the pieces fall to the ground.

Seeing this, Milluki was annoyed. He lost himself for a while, forgetting the difference in their strengths. He is brilliant with computers no doubt, but regarding the strength to kill as an assassin? No, he can't.

"Good, follow me." The old man moved slowly to the doorway. "Milluki, next time don't rip off your brother's skin. We don't want the future king to look unsightly."

"Yes, grandfather." Milluki clenches his fist. He was just doing as Illumi ordered him to, the hooked whip might have been excessive but what else would make Killua suffer without making him bleed.

Killua rubs the place where the restraints was supposed to be and left without another word, completely ignoring Milluki's existence.

Silently both the younger and elder Zoldyck walks through the maze like dungeon. Usually the trip would stay like this throughout, but the elder seems to want a change.

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