Chapter 10 The Lamp Shows up Again

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Under the morning sun, a young man walked down to the docks leaving behind the ship he just rode. In front of him stood the city of Padokea, his birthplace. Giggles could be heard from the women nearby, some glancing at his direction once or twice.

Ignoring them he walks forward towards slowly towards the center of town. He still feel eyes on him ever since yesterday, he turns around and saw nothing but the dock he just landed on.

Suddenly he felt a presence behind him and from his sleeve he pulled out a needle. He turned rapidly going to do an instant kill to the presence behind him but he stopped the needle just a milimeter before it comes in contact with the person behind him.

"Gotoh, what are you doing here" The assassin asks while keeping a monotone voice.

The man in a butler suit and glasses bow in front of his master, "Eldest prince, the king and queen are looking for you. I have come here to pick you up" he directed his hand towards the limousine behind him and a girl with dark purple hair pulled into thick bunches opening the car door.

"What do they need me for?"

"It's regarding prince Killua, sir" Gotoh answer still bowing.

The assassin get into the car and sat down. He grabbed a drink from the side cabinet, but was disturbed by the apprentice butler.

"Your highness, you dropped this." On her hand was a golden lamp, similar to the one he saw before. When he saw it he instantly remembers the pink haired clown from the ship but he don't know why.

"Throw it away. It's not mine." He resumes his attention to the book he grabbed from his side.

"Yes sir" the girl closed the door and throw the lamp away to a garbage can. She get into the limousine and the car starts. They go to the direction of Kukuroo mountain where the mansion like palace resides.

Unknown to the assassin the same pink haired man suddenly appeared beside the bin and grabbed the lamp. He sighed, "Why is it so hard for you to just accept it" he cleans the lamp for a bit before observing it.

This pink haired man, is a genie. The possession of the golden lamp and how he always appears and disappears should be a solid evidence that he is indeed not a normal human being.

'I've been searching for you for the last millennia, why won't you accept me? Is it the lamp? Is the lamp too plain? Or does it smell?' The pink haired man magically pop a bottle of perfume in his other hand. He sprayed his lamp with his rose scented perfume.

"He won't be able to resist this attractive lamp of mine" the genie put his lamp back into his pocket and gave it an extra pat. Of course he won't give up chasing after the black haired beauty, he has been waiting ever since he read his future. It was only a matter of time before the assassin fell for him.

The pink haired man took a side glace and saw a little boy that is about 7 or 8 years old. Did he mention he likes children? He adores children especially those that has a determined gaze. Just thinking about it makes him shivers. He grins at the cute little boy and he licked his lips. The boy saw this and felt scared of this creep, he ran away screaming "Mommy! Help! Pervert!"

'Well, that hurts my feelings' once again he disappeared into a cloud of pink smoke.


Going back to the situation of the black haired assassin, when he arrived there was hundreds of maids greeting him. "Welcome back, first prince"

The assassin didn't pay them any mind and continue walking up the gate. He maneuvered his way towards the throne room door. The guards immediately opens the door for him while exclaiming "The first prince has arrive"

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