Chapter 1

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"The storm is here already" Gon wanted to swim away but he heard a splashing sound like something was falling into the ocean.

"Huh?" Gon looked up and saw a person sinking into the ocean, without hesitating he quickly swim towards the human even if he can't swim all that good but he still tried (That's what he thinks)

After he got near the sinking human he noticed that the human was unconscious 'what do I do?' Gon didn't know what to do because he never deal with something like this before

Then he remembered 'i need to take him to the surface, last time I heard from Kurapika that human can't breathe underwater' Gon quickly pull the human above the water surface but the storm is too strong for him to swim and give the unconscious human to safety on the the boat.

"I can't hold on much longger " Gon lost all of his energy and he can't swim anymore he can't keep fighting the current. So he let himself flow while holding the human upwards so he could breathe.

Kurapika arrived back at Gon's house. Still on the front door. He stayed in front of the entrance for a few while. His head is still working at top speed to think of an excuse that Mito would buy.

'I'll tell her that Gon went to someone's house. Yeah. She would probably buy that. But the fact that Gon is not that close with other people and went to their house...maybe, my house?'

Kurapika was still standing in front of the door. Hesitating, he doesn't know what to do. Open the door and tell Mito that Gon was at his house or tell her that Gon run to the surface.

After Kurapika was brave enough, he knocked at the door. "Coming!" A woman's voice can be heard answering the knock.

The door opens and reveal a red headed woman with a tail that matches her hair. That woman is Gon's aunt, Mito.

"Evening, Mito-san" Kurapika greeted.

"Oh, Kurapika! It's been a while since your last visit. Gon isn't here yet. Do you want to come in? I can prepare something if you'd like"

Mito is a caring person. He cares about Gon so much like he is her own son and Gon thinks the same as her. Mito was already a mother figure to Gon. There's no way anyone would think that Mito wasn't a great mother.

"I apologize that I have to refuse the offer, Mito-san. I do not have much time. I am here to tell you that Gon is staying over at my place." Kurapika switched to his polite speaking. He can't help but respect Mito and he definitely feels guilty no matter how many times he lies to her.

"Don't be like that Kurapika," Mito said. "Well, I'll leave him to your care. Please take care of him while he is staying over at your house, I would really appreciate that." Mito was smiling towards Kurapika with the brightest smile she could offer.

"Of course Mito-san! It seems I have stayed too long. Please excuse me Mito-san." Kurapika gives Mito a bow before getting back at his normal position.

"You don't have to bow for now, Kuapika. I'm on vacation. It won't be a vacation from being a queen if people keep bowing before me. Besides, Gon will take over from me." Mito chuckles for a bit and then let herself be calm and composed.

Mito was only for vacation from her queenly duties for a while, and after Gon reached the age 18 he might have to rule.

Kurapika still thinks that Gon is not ready to lead. Of course running away from his duties by swimming up the surface is one of the reason Kurapika thinks that way. Luckily, its still 6 years till Gon could take the throne.

"Mito-san, Gon is still twelve. He can't rule at this age." Kurapika stated.

"You're right Kurapika, that's why I told him to find a bride." Mito was joyous for a second.

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