Chapter 7 (Alluka's wish & Damsel in distress?)

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Hello there, I'm very sorry fot the long update. I kind of stopped watching the show and sorry of they're completely out of character. And the case with Illumi... I'm quite speechless to be honest.
I did have this chapter and another prepared but I thought that I should finish another chapter before publishing this incase I want to change it's content... and if someone find something that doesn't make any sense please tell me.
Hope you enjoooyy.


Alluka sits straight as she put her gaze onto the corner of the wall. She have been thinking about her mother's proposal, the cruel mother who locks up her own child inside a dungeon that is made expecially for her. The only one who visits her is her big brother, the other family members doesn't care at all.

At first they were swarming all over her when they first found out that she could grant wishes, or you could say, Nanika can grant wishes. But of course, that is one of the reason she is locked up in here, the second one is because she is her big brother's favorite.

Alluka once again began thinking, she wants her big brother back but her big brother doesn't want her to grant anyone's wishes and she should grant her own wishes first then others.

And this time is urgent, Alluka have to think this through because her borther's life is on the line. Alluka knew that her brother doesn't want to keep living with this family and so is she, he might be having fun whereever he is, but on the other end, he might be in a brink of death or captured when he is unconcious and is currently being tortured. Alluka wouldn't be able to live with herself if she left her brother to rot and die in anyone's hand, she will regret it forever.

Alluka doesn't want to take the risk that her big brother might be harmed if she delay any longger, her suspicion might just come true. She needs someone to talk about this, maybe another solution might appear.

"Nanika, what do you think I should do?" Alluka asks to the other being inside her that feels the most torn about their loss.

"I want Killua back..." Nanika reply with a torn voice that is only audioble to Alluka since she is inside her and grief can be detecteded from Nanika.

"Me too" Alluka once again drown herself in her train of thought. "But we promise big brother we won't grant anyone's wishes, even mother." She said as he hugs her knees tight.

Silence filled the room once again. They were confused, sad and even deperate. They only have one goal in mind, to save Killua.

"Alluka" Nanika spoke inside of her head. "Killua said that we should grant our own wishes, so he will be fine if we wish him back"

Alluka, confused let out a questioning sound at Nanika. Nanika who heard this began explaining slowly so that Alluka can see the big picture of their plan.

"We want big brother to come back, a want could be a wish" Nanika's last word trigger an excitement in Alluka. Alluka thought that if it was her wish then everything would be fine. It is also for her big brother's safety and everyone will be happy.

"Yes! We should tell mother!" Alluka yelled excitedly as she gets ready to stand but was cut of by Nanika.

"No" Nanika objects. "If Kikyo knew she wouldn't leave Killua alone. She might not let him meet with us and we wont be able to see Killua again."

The entusiasm in Alluka fades away bit by bit. She is back to square one. She needs to decide between those two options. Her eyes began to let out a tear, she couldn't bear with the burden. She wants her big brother back but he will be separated from her.

Inside of Alluka, Nanika cries simultaniously with her. Their sobs wasn't that loud but with Alluka scrubbing her eye once in a while they could be suspected of crying. The next time mother visit her will be the moment of truth.

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