Chapter 18 - Our future, Our plans

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Killua woke up with a wide lazy yawn, he slept even better than when he stayed at the castle. His bleak and empty room never lets him sleep peacefully at night. No sound other than the heavy footsteps of the occasional guard walking pass his room. This kind of surveillance is unnecessary for the Zoldyck family since no assassination attempt would work on them. 

The only reason he could think for him to have a guard would be formalities in public gathering, but if there is no gathering, he can only conclude to one fact, someone in the family is keeping an eye on him.

Before trying to stretch his body, his left hand felt heavy. Killua looked at his left hand and finally realised  what is making his hand unable to move. His hand is held by the sleeping boy's right hand. Upon seeing this, he covered his face with his right hand trying to suppress the rush of embarrassment from knowing that they sleep together holding hands. 

He remembers that last night he had went to bed normally, hands holding the thin quilt that the inn provided. Could it be? Because we was so tired that he now he can unconsciously move in his sleep? Did he reach for Gon's hand without him knowing? Does this count as taking advantage of an unconscious person?

Killua's train of thoughts came to a halt when he felt a stir from beside him, he turn to the sleeping boy and saw hazel eyes meeting his blue peppers. The white haired boy yanked his hand out of Gon's grasp, his sudden yank cause him to lose balance and stumble backwards to the cold hard floor.

The only thought in his head is how he has made a fool of himself in front of Gon. He never thought he would care for what people think of him but Gon is different, he wants to look the best in front of him.

"Killua, are you alright?"

By the sudden voice, the white haired prince looked up. Gon is leaning from the bed, holding out his right hand towards him. His face filled with concern for his fallen friend.

"I'm alright," Killua grabbed Gon's hand only to be reminded of the sleeping while handholding. He let out a grunt of embarrassment and quickly stood face away from Gon.

The spiky haired boy just stared at Killua confused but shrugged it off and get off the bed. He almost tried to swim out but he remembers that he is not underwater. So he stepped out of bed using his feet.

"Killua what are we going to do today?"

Killua who finally composed himself now showed a calm face braved himself to face Gon. He wonders on what they should do today until it finally struck him. He was supposed board his ship today.

But he thought about it again, the reason he even begged his father to give him a ship was so he can find Gon. And now that Gon is here, what is the purpose of sailing away?

He suppose, going away as planned wouldn't be so bad. Previously he felt that everywhere was the same, the only joy he got when he was sailing was only because of the fact that he can stay away from his family. Now on the other hand, the situation is different.

Killua turned to Gon who is still patiently waiting for him to answer, when the spiky haired boy realised that Killua looked at him, he just smiled brightly, so bright Killua swore he saw the plant in the corner leaning towards the radiant Gon.

"Gon, how about sailing away with me?" Killua suddenly asked. He looked at Gon trying to see his expression. He hopes that Gon would agree with him, he could be free from his family and be with Gon.

But if Gon refuse, he would stay, maybe Padokea is Gon's home, maybe there is some relatives left that he didn't want to part with. Even if it costs Killua his freedom, seeing Gon happy is enough.

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