Chapter 11 The truth is I...

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Both Gon and Killua are currently submerging their feet under the water. The view of the sea is pitch black unlike what they've seen in the day. They just stood, feeling the sand burying their feet and how the current of the water tickles them.

"I would give anything just to live peacefully like this" Killua sighs and turn his head to see Gon staring at the sea. "Gon? Are you okay?"

Gon blinked twice and finally snapped out from his trance. "Sorry, I was just thinking" Gon turns to face the silver haired boy beside him "What were you saying?"

"Nothing, you seemed to stare intensely at the sea" Killua rubbed his hand together trying to create a friction to heat himself "Is something bothering you?"

Gon shook his head "I was just thinking about home, what my aunt is doing and how Kurapika is holding up with Leorio"

Killua's eyebrow twitched at the mention of a name that he heard before. He wouldn't be jealous, would he? Though he is reluctant to admit it he is a prince! Why would he be jealous! He has been training his whole life to not show emotions. Before he can think anything more his hands was taken by another pair of hands, specifically Gon's hand.

"Your hand is cold" Gon rubbed their hand together and blew a few hot breath on their hands to add warmth. "Is it warmer?"

Killua stayed silent but nodded frantically. His cheeks feels warm despite the cold wind blowing. It seems that Gon has a talent to make him feel heat rushing to his face.

The spiky haired boy let out a smile and gestured to the beach where their camp fire was made, "The night is cold, we should warm up more. I can't keep holding your hand and blew at it all night"

Killua imagine Gon holding his hand all night and warming them up, his hot breath tickle his fingers, his lips close to his hand, Killua would lean over, just a little more and-

A sudden tug on his hand made him lean forward and disrupts his train of thoughts. Killua cursing himself on the inside because his idiotic thoughts. Killua walked behind Gon who is holding his right hand towards land. Again he imagine that at this moment Gon would turn around and look at him with a smile bright enough to put the sun to shame. Like he is doing now.

Killua snapped back to reality when he realise Gon was looking at him, there is no frown, no anger, just a blinding half smile. In a panic Killua let out, "I- um- Uh- ah- I wasn't thinking about your smi- pecks! Yes pecks! What a manly body you have!!". Killua was internally screaming and yelling all kind of profanities left and right, 'IT JUST GOT MORE AWKWARD!'

Gon thought for a moment and frowns a little, "Maybe it's because I always fight sharks"

"You what now?" Killua asks, eyebrow raised.

Gon continue to walk and they finally reach the shore. Gon sat down and pats the spot beside him. After a lot of internal dilemma Killua finally sat down beside Gon, their legs almost touching.

They stayed silent for a while just enjoying the view of the sea.

"I heard you mention a new name, Leorio was it? Who is he?" Killua broke the silence with his question.

"You can say Leorio is my friend, Leorio wants Kurapika in exchange and Kurapika stayed behind with him." Gon let out a small smile that can mean both happiness and sadness.

"Wanting your friend as an exchange? He seems like a guy who likes to wear glasses with dark lense and would always wear a suit and tie, adding the exchange part, he seems more like a creep to me-OUCH" Killua rubbed his head. He saw a coconut beside him, it seems that what hit him in the head. "Where did this came from?" He muttered to himself, he thought about it and concluded it was because of the strong wind.

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