Chapter 8 Cleaning and Bored

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This chapter is bad- no the worst one I've ever written. Actually, every chapter are bad... well I just know for a fact that I might be making myself more misrable than before by inputing a way to wash clothes!! And it makes no sense!!! No sense at all!!! Plus they are a bit OOC? I'm starting to regret this... i might change the chapter in the future....

The night goes on for Kurapika and Leorio. The both of them calmed their self, all ready to face one another. Kurapika had just finished with the outside of the cave. He threw away the garbage of cans and bottle, scrub off some of the slime that sticks onto the cave walls, also gather up the laundrys of clothes that were laying around the mouth of the cave.

Because of the young blond, the cave is a lot different, move habitable. Since he is finished with the front of the cave, he picked up the octopus's laundry as he head inside, he found the octopus still in front of his cauldron inside the air field or the anti water field, really, how could that octopus walk or you could say stand on a non wateric field.

"Leorio, some of your laundry was outside so I gather them up" One of the clothes fell onto the blond's hair because of how high the pile is. "And what is this clothing?" Kurapika grabbed the foreign piece of cloth that covered his head.

Leorio turns to see Kurapika holding a pants, not any regular pants, a boxer. "Put that down now, Kurapika!" The octupus left the anti water field and swim towards the blond so that he could snatch away the piece of clothing from Kurapika.

Confused by Leorio's behaviour and his raising tone, Kurapika asks with a high voice, "What is wrong with you!? I was just asking what that is!" Kurapika points to the piece of clothing that Leorio now have in his hand.

"Well, it's... uhh.. how am I suppose to say this..." Leorio covered the lower half of his face with his hand, trying to hide his embarassment.

The blond raised one of his brow, waiting for an answer while still holding the rest of the laundry.

"I got them, scavange for them inside ships and made one out of thin layer of silk, merpeople's silk" Leorio answer while rubbing the back of his head at the same time.

"And what is it function? I presume they cover their legs with those? Though, isn't it a bit short?" Kurapika guesses.


"Then why did you even raise your voice if it was only something that covers up legs!?" The blond seems unsatisfied by the answer. How could the man in front of him raise his voice just because a piece of clothing that covers human legs?

"It doesn't cover just human legs! It covers their... private... parts..." realizing what he had just say out of his mouth, the older man regrets it already. He knew saying ambiguis thing wouldn't make the blond's curiosity fade away, it will just make him ask more question.

"Private parts? Now what exactly are you sayi-" a hand covers the blond's mouth cuting his sentence.

"This is why I try to avoid mermaids.." Leorio mumbles to himself so that Kurapika couldn't heard him. "Listen... Kurapika. I think it is best to just not talk about it." Leorio said in a deep and low voice.

A sigh escapes Kurapika's lips, "I am curious, although I do agree with you so I will keep this matter for another time"


"Your welcome. But I still need to know where the laundy basket are and how am I going to wash these." The younger man added.

"You could put them wherever, those were never washed, I just put them on when I left them on the ground long enough." Leorio replies with a shrug to prove his point.

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