Chapter 5

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Um.. hello. It's me the um.. writer of this fanfiction... i just wanted to say that I am terribly sorry for the story not making any sense, I just kind of forgoten where they are, underwater. At certain parts there might be some mistakes that I have made.. I will do my best at editing this story in the future. And I too have gone a bit sidetracked by the scenes, the protagonist of this story is supposed to be Gon and Killua... but instead I just jumbled up the scene and have other characted take the spotlight on a few chapters and I am quite uncertain that what I am doing is right. Um..well.. I have already made a few chapters it is still one actually. I do plan to publish it when I finish it without changing anything since it would take too long... and I do apologize for the poor grammar.. and this long note... well.. on to the story!

At the same day when Gon was having fun with Killua, Kurapika was stuck in cleaning Leorio's storage of hell. It's filled with the most hideous things. Mostly body parts like tongues, eyeballs, and other mysterious things. At least they're not merman's bodyparts, well its not odd for him to use other creature since it is taboo after all.

It made Kurapika reluctant to clean but curious at the same time by what was Leorio working on. Of course he had made a potion that could turn a merman into a human, but still, it doesn't seem like that is his goal at all. If that was his goal then he wouldn't stay down here collecting weird things and making a new potion's recepie every single day. Maybe he would be selling his potion and became rich or something.

"Pardon me Leorio, but may I ask something?" Kurapika said as he still wiping one of Leorio's jar filled with eyeballs that seems like alive and looking directly at him.

Leorio was mixing herbs with a bunch of liquid inside a non water field when the young blond asked the question. "Sure, you can ask anything and I will answer things that I fell like answering. And by the way, show some respect to me by using "San" when you call my name"

"What kind of potion are you tying to make?" Kurapika ignore Leorio's last remark, instead he continue asking his question. The blond isn't someone who beats around the bush. He is always straight to the point. Which sometimes make people a little nervous when answering because it feels like they are being interogated by the young blond.

"Why are you so interested in what i'm making?" Leorio questioned back, a slight annoyance can be interpert from the tone of his voice.

Kurapika have never been questioned back by anyone other than Gon. Having someone else do it feels insulting. "You should not answer someone's question with another question." Kurapika retorted. "Of course it is a mere curiousity since you are still mixing potion in this cave and you could have all the fortune in the world just buy selling these potions, you would not have to work." Kurapika continues.

Leorio couldn't help but let out a grin, his toothy grin, the same one people usually show when they are being tricky, sly. "You protested that I asked you a question yet you still answer them."

"Well, it would be rude not to answer a question when you are asking one." Kurapika tries to keep his face and voice as calm as he can. His earlier statement didn't match what he had just say. He just wish that Leorio is ignorant enough to not point his mistake.

The older male caught something off from the blond, he couldn't help but think about it for a minute, "That sounds like an excuse from someone who doesn't even know what they are saying. But coming from you I don't think that it's one" Leorio rubs his chin with both thumb and index finger. "I'm trying to make something that I made as my goal since...." his words trailed off. Sadness could be seen in the depths of his eyes through those dark glasses that doesn't seem to have a purpose but to hang between the lower part of the birdge of his nose, it doesn't even cover up his eyes. Not long after, he snapped out from his trance, "Uhum... like I was saying, I wanted to make a medicine." He continue and answer Kurapika's earlier question.

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