Chapter 14 Gon's Adventure

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Two men on a small fishing boat relaxing under the sun. A pile of booze can be seen on the back side of the small boat. The day is really beautiful, on a day like this they hoped to catch loads of fish.

"Oi, Stop drinking so much" Said a black haired man as he nudge the man sitting  behind of him.

"That hurts! Are you trying to pick a fight!?" Reply the other man.

The black haired man shook his head slightly, "Remember when you drank too much? You slept with that old woman"

"Shut up. I didn't sleep with her." The other man continue to drink from the glass on his hand.

"Why should I listen to you. Besides what else would explain the both of you naked in bed?"

"You! I'm telling you I didn't sleep with that old hag! Just focus on fishing you bastard. What am I saying, you'll still end up empty handed even if you focus." The drunken man white haired man let out a loud laugh and once again drown himself with his booze. "Turn the radio or something"

The black haired man is still not moving an inch, he's just enjoying himself with his tobacco. This irritates his drunken partner who eventually moves his hand and turn on the radio.

Playing on the radio is a song that's too girly for both of their taste. The drunken man kept trying to change the song but it keeps coming back to it.

"Your taste in music is shitty." The black haired man takes out the tobacco and puff out a bit of smoke into the air.

Sadly, the ocean doesn't favor the drunken white haired man and the smoke was blown to his face, making him cough.

"It's not my damn fault, this stupid thing is broken. I had enough listening to this song and now I have to listen to it still? This part of your world song is a disease." He gave up and went back into his original formation, the song still playing but he's enjoying the view of the horizon.

The view of where the ocean meets the sky makes people feel so small. The sky is clear light blue filling it and the sun is bright but not too hot. The moving black dot that keeps getting bigger every second is also enjoyable to see.

Black dot? Getting bigger by the second!?

The drunken man nudge the man behind him. "Oi, what's that?" He pointed at the thing that is getting closer to them.

His fishing partner turns and saw what the man meant, "Is that a person? Aren't they moving to fast to be on a boat?"

They waited for the object to come closer, the song on the radio isn't really helping. The two fisherman can see, that it is indeed someone, reaching the climax of the song they can see water behind said someone, like waves.

"Part of your world~" sang the annoying radio.

Their jaws drop when they saw what caused the sudden effect was, a flying half-man half-octopus seemingly thrown out of the water creating a huge water splash.

And there it was a boy holding on to a rock, he waved at them and pass by as quickly as he showed up and following behind him is the tied up half-man half-octopus being dragged by something underneath the water.

After they pass by the song on the radio went quiet.

"Did we just see a person on a rock?" Said the drunken man. He takes a look at the booze in his hand. "I think I'm too drunk" he holds his head on his hand.

"Here, brought them just in case" The black haired man gives a strawberry milk to his drunk frenemy. "In exchange give me the booze, I'm too sober that I started seeing flying octopuses"

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