Chapter 9 (What was it like? & Nothing will go wrong)

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"I'm first!!" Gon yelled out, his fist raised to the air. Behind him is a angry looking boy.

"No fair! You left first without me!"

"You're the one who is so slow, Killua!" Gon reply with a slight laughter. He clearly didn't expect that he could run fast despite the fact that it is only a few days since he turns into a human.

"I want a rematch!" Killua said. On his face a pout could be seen, his cheek has a slight peach colour and a puff.

"Okay! But next time you will still lose!" Gon said proudly.

The two venture inside the forest for a while, walking past trees left and right. Sometimes startled by insects that pop up, Gon questions Killua about all of them and Killua was glad to answer them of course while avoiding those tiny creatures.

"Ne, Killua." Gon said suddenly. The both of them are currently resting under the shade of one of the many lines of trees. Gon lays down on the ground while Killua has his back leaning to the tree.

The said boy turn to face his friend and asks, "What is it?"

"I was just wondering... you came from someplace different from this island. Somewhere humans would gather, an island filled with humans. I bet the place is bigger than this, there must be a lot of places to explore." The boy raises his hand towards the sky. He felt a longing to see, his world is still small. He wanted to see the place he had been dreaming of.

The mermaids said they were scary, barbaric, ruthless. But when he met the boy beside him, he knew there were good humans out there.

"Yeah... where I came from there are a lot of people, most of them are annoying. And It's nice to just relax and be alone like I am doing right now. No one pestering me about future responsibilities" Killua fold his hand at the back of his head as a cusion while leading his head back to the tree.

"What was it like?" Gon asks.

"There's a lot of people, has different jobs, different background, different social standing... those kind of stuff. Still annoying though" Killua answered uniterested.

"Well, what do you like about it? You know... the place where you came from." Gon asks again.

"I rarely go out to town, almost never. I don't really know what to say about it. I could only think of that place as a living hell, actually hell might be a better place than that wretched place."

"Why?" Gon asks.

"You could say I'm not on good terms with my family..." Killua stood up. "Enough talking, lets find something to drink before sundown" Killua offers his hand towards Gon who took it with a wide smile.

The both of them continue to walk inside the forest. Their goal ahead of them when the have walked for a few minutes.

Before them was a small river with clean water, Gon's eyes were bright. He rarely see clear water before, because he lives in salt water. There is a few underwater waterfalls or where clear water meets salt water but it was quite far and human often visits there so he never go.

"Killua! Look! Is that a non-salt water???" Gon ran towards the river and sat down at the side of the river poking the water with his hand.

Killua, who is already used to Gon's weirdness or you could say clueless about everything, and he knows its best to just answer him "Yes, It's a non-salt water, it is also drinkable"

Killua sat down beside Gon and starts to drink the river's water. Gon who saw this imminate him and also drink.

"It's so fresh and cool!" Gon dip his head into the water along with his hair to enjoy the feeling of being in fresh water. After he have done he pulled his head back, because he pulled his head back too fast water splashed everywhere.

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