Chapter 4

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The sun has already sets. They hang some of their clothes onto a branch of a tree because the earlier event. Leaving the both of them with only a white tank top and shorts.

Because of the sudden change of appearence, Gon sometimes sneak a peek on the other. Gon realize that Killua too, is well built, he can see that his silver haired friend does some kind of work out.

Killua on the other hand, is trying to distract himself from trying to look at Gon.

Gon decides to keep his thought to himself because he doesn't want to scare his friend away and think of him as a wierdo. But ironicly, Killua already view Gon as a wierdo since the first time he lay his eyes on Gon.

After the long awkward moment, the two of them lay down on the sand looking at the stars.

"It's pretty. Kurapika and I always watch the stars together." Gon points at the stars that shines above them.

"Kurapika, what are those called?" A seven year old Gon was reaching out towards the sky trying to grab the shiny object that shines above them.

"Those are stars, Gon." Kurapika answers.

"Stars are so pretty." Gon smile towards the star.

Kurapika smiles too. Gon's smile is really contagious. It is the same with his enthusiasm. It made Kurapika wonder why Gon thinks he is alone or more specific, Gon is lonely.

Everyone adores Gon. Even if he do dangerous things no one can hate him. Maybe the reason is because there are no one who is the same age as him.

Kurapika is a couple of year older than Gon but is still so close with Gon. Maybe Gon felt lonely because Kurapika used to focus more on his work than anything.

"I think they are pretty too. Did you know that stars produce their own light like the sun? The sun is bigger in size but they are almost the same. Not exatly the same but they produce light on their own. I only know this from books though. Oh, did you know that stars can explode too. A dying star can explode and it produce a gigating exposion called-"

Gon who was still a young boy couldn't understand what Kurapika is saying, so he shot Kurapika a look of confusion.

Kurapika who know Gon so well he understand what Gon is trying to tell him, "My apologies, Gon. You might not understand what I am saying"

Gon yawns, "It's okay, Kurapika. I don't really mind you telling me all about stars but I'm getting a bit sleepy.."

"Of course, let us go back. Can you still swim?" Kurapika asked Gon with the softest voice he can make. Not wanting to startle him.

"Uh-huh..." Gon was getting sleepy by the second.

In the end the both of them went back to the castle and was being lectured by Mito because how late they were.

Fortunately they only been given a warning. But Gon always sneaks out and come back unnoticed by anyone, there is only a few times he got caught with Kurapika, but of course Kurapika didn't want Gon to get in trouble with Mito. So he keep the fact that Gon snuck out a secret. Of course Gon will be lectured by Kurapika as always.

Gon snapped out from his flashback when a sudden question was asked.

"I hear you keep talking about this Kurapika person. Who are they?" Killua ask as the tone of his voice sounded like he is really curious about Kurapika. It's weird, because he can see that Kilua is not the curious type.

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