Chapter 6 (Daily competition & Worries)

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Morning come as a signal that the two boys have to wake up to start their day. Gon and Killua was sleeping side by side, a little too close for the silver haired prince.

Killua wakes up and found himself close to Gon, almost cuddling to him. He instantly push Gon away from him resulting the tan skinned boy to roll over.

"Ouch" Gon sat down while grabbing the back of his head, implying that he hit his head onto the sand. He looks at Killua who has an irritated but mostly embarassed face.

"Morning, Killua" Gon put on his usual bright smile. On the inside, Gon's mood is as bright as his current smile, he was happy that the first thing he saw in the morning is Killua.

"Don't "Morning, Killua" me! Why were you invading my personal space in my sleep?" Killua is flustered more than ever, his irritated look completly vanish. He wanted answers and he want it now.

"But, you were the one who hugged me in my sleep and I didn't mind so I continue sleeping" Gon explanation only make Killua's face pink. The silver haired prince was the one at fault all along and he can't believe that he hug Gon in his sleep.

A loud growl can be heard from Gon's stomach, after that Killua's stomach started to growl too. The both of them ate the rest of their meal yesterday, so they have nothing to eat.

"Do you think we should catch some fish?" Gon sugested.

"Maybe... I bet I can catch more fish than you." Killua removes his white tank top and dashes into the water.

"No fair!" Gon do the exact same thing as Killua and jumps.

They begin their contest. Gon held his breath and dive deeper to catch larger fish. Gon posses the basic knowlege of a human, they can't breathe underwater and Gon is now a human so he doesn't bother to test if the fact is true so he just held his breath.

He encounter a gigantic tuna swimming pass him and give it a chase. Gon's swimming speed is the same as when he was a mermaid so he can hunt the tuna with ease.

After driving it to a corner, Gon clentch his fist, swing it and it hit the tuna, making an instant kill.

Gon's usual method in catching fish are by net or a lure, that if he have a time to make or carry one, since he usualy don't. Is he doesn't have any tools he can use, he just use his strength to do it.

Menwhile, Killua on the other hand, spotted an eal, he have no problem wether it is an electric eal or not, he can catch it without a single scatch since he was trained to be resistant towards poison and electricity.

Killua took out his long and sharp claws then he pierce his claw into the eal's brain and once again, an instant kill.

Being satisfied with their catch, the both of them returns back on land in sync with their soon to be meal on their back.

"Hey, Killua" Gon runs closer to the other male and stops right in front of him. "Ready to lose?" Gon let out a wide grin which made Killua anoyed.

"Well, it seems I won't be the one who's losing." Killua drop his eal onto the sand presenting it for Gon to see how big it is.

Gon didn't want to lose so he lay his tuna next to the eal to see both in comparison. "My tuna is far larger and heavier"

"No, my eal is longer and definitly bigger than yours." Killua stated back.

"Mine is more delicious!"

"No my eal is more delicious!"

The both of them faught for quite a while. They never realize that the result was a tie because the don't have a third opinion, since there are only 2 person that is stuck in this island.

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