Chapter 20 - Flames of Farewell

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Killua stared blankly at the ashen wall, his sister crying feverishly. His hand reached for his abdomen where he had expected to be penetrated by the on coming spear. Surprisingly, he find nothing was there, not even a scratch.

He looks around, he was just here last night. He was back in the sealed room where Alluka had stayed for all her life.

Having finally gotten his grip together, Killua didn't care to think how he got here. His only priority is making sure Gon is safe. They were so close, so close to freedom.


Killua yelled and banged on the door loudly. The more he banged the gate, the more desperate his voice became. He was beginning to sound like a maniac.

He yelled again and again to be released. He needs to hurry, his brother may have got Gon already. He hoped and prayed for nothing to happen to Gon, but knowing Illumi, his prayers are futile.

The banging on the door drowned out Alluka's cries which are getting louder. She didn't see the part where both his brother and the mermaid was about to be killed. She felt guilt that she had ruined her brother's chance to be happy.

She knew that once her brother left, he wouldn't return. After all, it had always been his dream to leave this family. Even if he were to never return, Alluka would still wish for his happiness more than hers.

She regretted making that promise as a condition for her wish. She was worried her brother might be in danger. Having her brother safely return home is better than leaving him be.

All of a sudden the banging stops. Killua fell to his knees, hands still attached to the caged door. He leaned his head in frustration onto the door, wanting to be angry but doesn't know where to vent his emotion to.

"Gon, please be safe... please..."


Back at the dock, Illumi dragged Gon off the huge ship, not bothering to pull out the spear that stick out like a sore thumb from the weak mermaid.

"We're... not so different... you know?" Gon says in a breathy voice. His back aches as the friction between his clothes and the ground became more and more.

Illumi ignored the dying raven haired boy and continue on with his journey, leaving a trail of the mermaid's blood behind.

"The only difference... is that... we have tails... instead of... legs" Gon continued and once again be ignored by the tall assassin.

Having said what he had in mind, Gon relaxed his body and stopped trying to change his captor's mind. Instead, he saved his breath so that he will survive longer.

Illumi brought Gon back to the heart of Padokea. Waving his hand, he signaled the soldiers to get ready.

The crowd of people who never dispersed from the very beginning stared at Gon in fear. Either in fear of him, or in fear for his life, but none were brave enough to move.

Illumi stops in front of the stage, and let go of Gon. He pulled out the spear, not caring if the one at the other end would bleed out and threw them to the ground after the yell of pain from Gon subsided.

Despite Gon still trying to control his breathing, the soldier pulled him up by the upper limb to the stake and tie him up, this time they used a sturdy chain to ensure no escape.

"Look at this creature, it is able to mimic humans! You can't tell the difference between this foul thing with ordinary people"

Hearing the spokesman said those words, Gon just lowered his head, in his mind they were not that different, the only difference is that he had a tail, Gon shook the thought away.

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