Chapter 19 - Rescue

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Warning: Mutilation, Blood


Following Killua was hard. The silver haired boy moved so quickly in the middle of the packed crowd, that the spiky haired boy had lost the silver haired boy when he turned the corner. He ended up asking for directions at strangers.

Thankfully, the people were nice and gave him the general direction since he doesn't really know Padokea that much. He followed where they pointed and walked a straight line to it.

He hears a loud crowd at the direction he is going to. He felt more discouraged as he will never going to find Killua in the middle of those people, let alone his friends that he accidentally abandoned.

He was planning on waiting in the heart of the city for his friends to see him, they might pass him. But seeing all these people his plans are ruined.

The spiky haired bow was about to leave when he heard the people in front of  him scream and yelled in fear. Some murmuring incoherently but Gon was able to hear a word that make his heart drop.

Half-fish creature.

Gon immediately try to make his way to the front of the crowd but the people keep shoving him back. He decides to go to the side and climb a barrel to look at what is happening.

As he is now standing on top of a barrel, he can see clearly what everyone was looking at. It was his friend, oldest friend, the one who has always been there for him, the one he even regards as an older brother.

Kurapika, being held by two humans in metal, his leg is no longer legs but a scarlet tail. Black liquid covered his whole body and he can see Kurapika growing weaker.


His yell was so loud that the crowd grew silent and just looked at the source of the voice. Everyone looking at Gon, the crowd of humans looking confused but there was two mixed stare on the stage. One of dread and one of satisfaction.

The blonde on the stage looked at Gon, horrified. He shook his head trying to tell Gon not to say anything. If they know Gon is also a mermaid, both of them will get captured, it's better if Gon could escape. He doesn't mind dying if it means the safety of Gon and the rest of the mermaids.

Despite his friend's warning, Gon doesn't stop confronting the tall raven standing on the podium, he even pointed a finger at him. "Let go of Kurapika!"

The one on the other end of the pointed fingers, stays apathetic. "Why are you defending this creature? Don't you know he is dangerous?" He questioned, tone flat along with his expression. He already knows who this person is. All he needs is for the brat to take the bait.

"Kurapika is not dangerous! We've been here for 2 days and we didn't hurt anyone! We're omnivores but we don't just randomly eat humans, we mostly eat sea plants. We're not dangerous at all" Despite his saying the truth, Gon doesn't see the tall stoic man planning on listening to him at all.

The tall assassin just stood there, making a gesture as if he is thinking about something with his index fingers rubbing his chin.

" 'We', you said?" He pretended to ask. The kid has taken his bait. He didn't think it would go this smoothly but things took a turn to his advantage.

The blonde mermaid, sense something bad is going to happen. He immediately yelled in his dry cracked voice, "Run, Gon!"

Gon was taken aback by this, but his feet still glued to the ground. Unwilling to leave Kurapika unless they could run together.

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