Chapter 12 Is it really hopeless?

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The incident broke Gon completely. He just sat there, still. Tears have stopped pouring but he can hear a desperate wail, where does it come from? His throat hurts, his body is exhausted, but his chest is the one who is in most pain. It seems the agonizing scream came from him.

"Gon! Gon! Stop Gon!" A figure slapped Gon's cheek lightly. Panic in his tone. His pleas were drowned by the screeching sound coming from the younger mermaid's throat.

Gon stopped screaming, his voice raspy and his view is blurry, he feel as if he is blind. His mind just stop thinking all together. "Who are you?"

The figure bit his lower lip and both hands on Gon's shoulder tightens. This is a heartbreaking scene for him. He shouldn't have let him leave if it would bring Gon more pain than before. He should have stopped Gon even if it costs being hated by the younger mermaid.

Another form shows up from the ocean, this form is darker than than the one in front of Gon. The one in front of Gon has a blond outline on his head and the new figure has black outline.

"He is in shock, Kurapika." The black figure says. "No surprise since the guy did disappear into thin air"

Kurapika glared at the man behind him, "You're not helping, Leorio!" Kurapika retract his hand from Gon's shoulder and started to mumble, panic in his tone "No no no, what should I do? It's my fault, I should've done something to prevent this. It's all my fault, how do I explain this to his aunt? Do something Leorio!"

Leorio sighs and drags his body onto the shore near where Kurapika and Gon are. "I've seen these type of reactions before, mostly traumas. The ones that come to me are usually beyond saving, their families would have a severe reaction towards the news. But unlike them, no one's dead this time. Let me talk to him"

Kurapika stayed quiet and drags aside his own body to let Leorio be in front of Gon. Kurapika is now trembling in fear of losing Gon. He couldn't live with himself.

Leorio faces Gon and says, "Listen, I know it's hard. But you've got to listen to me. That silver haired boy wouldn't want to to mope around like this"


"Yeah, that kid Killua. He wouldn't want to to just stay here and bawl your eyes out" leorio adds.

"But he's-"

"Still alive" Leorio interject. "He is still alive, Gon. He is just back with his family"

Gon's eyes started to show colour again, his previous dull gaze now shows a bit of hope.

"We were here when he dissapeared. It seems he had a spirit attached to him. Twins is what Kurapika told me. They both dissapeared along with him."

Gon stay silent. He couldn't believe this, should he believe what Leorio says? But what if he's wrong. He had his Hope's up for nothing. He should believe...

"We got their location as well. All we need to do is just swim there and find one guy amongst millions of residence there. Quite the excitement indee-Ouch" Leorio's ribs were hit by Kurapika's elbow, he had to admit. That hurts.

Gon looks up, "Is this true?"

Leorio let out a wide smile, "Of course it's true! Would I lie to you?"

The younger mermaid gives a look that shows a bit doubt. But he still believe in Leorio, he is a friend after all. Friend, would Leorio want that?

"Don't give me that look. I promise, I speak nothing but the truth, if I lie may the gods punish me with bad luck"

Gon is now full of hope. He can do this! He can see Killua again! But there is one problem. "Leorio, you said that we need to swim right?"

"Yup, It's not a big deal for us merpeopl-" Leorio saw Gon holding up his leg. "Oh, right".

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