Chapter 3

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Gon arived at the island where he was stranded with the human he wanted to be friends with, he sat on the shore. As odd as it seems, merpeople wear clothes too. Because they live underwater, the merpeople developed a kind of silk, a silk that could maintain its form  underwater. One can't tell the difirence between a human and merpeople's clothes.

And as usual, Gon keep his usual atire, a white tank top underneath a green clothes.

He couldn't wear the one for the leg that is called shorts that he found while scavanging inside a shipwrecked ship though, he doesn't have a leg yet nor he even know how to wear one. It's a good thing that his shorts matches his daily atire.

Despite not knowing how to wear the shorts, he still drinks the potion till the very last drop, at first he felt fine but minutes pass, his tail and his chest start to feel pain.

The pain start from his throat, lungs, heart, to his tail. His tail and chest was the part that hurts the most.

Gon started squirm around like a fish out of water as he feel the pain. His lungs gasped for air while his throat burns with a need for water.

Gon is feeling the pain for hours and hours. He tried to endure the pain as much as he can, but he couldn't take it anymore his head hurts so much because the pain he recives is too much than what he can take.

And he is starting to lose his conciosnous, the last thing he saw was the sea waves that is waving at him just like it was alive.

The morning sun shine bright waking the sleeping merman. "Ugh..." Gon sit up and put a hand in front of his face so that he can see all around.

He look toward his tail and finds out that it's not a tail anymore. "It's a leg? A human leg!?" Gon is beaming with happiness.

He identified the leg further how it smelled, it feels, even how it taste like. He wasn't aware of his surrounding, he didn't even hear the sound of someone walking close to him.

"Hoi...What are you doing here? Who are you?" Gon was startled by the sudden calling and turned around to see the human he saved, leaning his face close enough that their nose touch.

"Hi I'm Gon" despite knowing the fact that he is half naked he smiled anyway. Of course Gon knows, but he have little understanding with human culture, since he is a merman who just now have a leg and never bother to cover anything when he have a tail.

The human was astounded by this person 'Doesnt he know that he is half naked? Worse than that he kept smiling carelessly!' The human keeps his cool. He didn't want to look flustered by the sight, though people would scream calling for guards.

When he looked to the right he saw a green shorts beside this stranger named Gon, "Why don't you put some pants on?" The human points at the shorts that is just conveniently beside him.

The both of them went silent for a while. The human is still pointing towards the shorts while watching Gon. Meanwhile, Gon is staring at the shorts.

Gon grab the shorts and wear them though he didn't put them in the right place, he put them on his head. The human's was twitching his eyebrows in disbelief

"Ah sorry the truth is...I dont know how to wear this shorts thing" Gon admited.

Little do Gon know, The human's head was functioning faster than it's suposed to, 'What? Don't tell me I just talked to an idiot who doesn't even know how to put on his own pants!?'

"Here I'll help you" Gon was happy that the human was willing to help him even being nice to him despite not knowing who he is. Gon feels that they could become friends sooner than ever.

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