Chapter 15 At the same town yet no encounter

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"Cool!" Gon shouted out, switching from stall to stall, bewildered by the variations of things he'd seen and never seen before.

"Kurapika! Look there's the mini trident I found" He grabs the silver coloured mini trident and swung it left and right in a fighting stance.

The action causes various whispers and squeals from passerby, some look at the boy weirdly, some concerned, some thought of it as cute, and there are some who are disinterested.

But they are undoubtedly an attention catching bunch.

Leorio who was behind Gon walk up to him and snatched the item from his hand. Put it back where it was originally placed and apologized to the owner.

"Gon! You can't just grab stuff!" Leorio scolded. They had already left the stand with him having to push Gon away, quite a difficult task to do since the boy did hold his ground.

While trying to get Gon under control, Leorio glanced to the Blonde haired male behind him. He could felt Kurapika's death stare all this time as they- Gon was exploring.

The reason Kurapika is mad is because his potion had failed.

How come it failed when there is Kurapika behind him walking with two human legs that are oddly clear of any impurities, he wonder ho-

Leorio slapped himself.

Gon who was being pushed all this time had saw Leorio slapping himself. Feeling as if he doesn't want to know what the octopus is thinking about, he just continue to look around. Once in a while smiling to Kurapika who lightly smiled back at him.

Back to how the issue, Kurapika's potion was a defective one.

Back when they were in the underwater cave, Leorio had asked Kurapika to grab two of the shifting potion from on top of a nen inforced fireplace, which made it possible for fire to exist inside an air contained fireplace.

Leorio specifically said to grab the two on the right out of the three bottle present. But in the midst of packing they were arguing left and right. So the blonde mermaid just grabbed anything on top of the fire place, which is the two of the 3 potion, which was on the left.

The three potion had the same bottle but the one on the farthest left was, as it was clarified earlier, defective.

The potion did turn Kurapika into a human. But when they were at the beach earlier, the moment Kurapika touch water he turn back into a merman.

Which now explain how his face is red in pain. Slapped by Kurapika's tail hurt a lot. Especially if you were slapped not long after the slap last night.

Leorio once again remember how they turned into a human. Kurapika was not the only one who is devastated okay!

He was expecting this beautiful, blonde, scarlet eyed mermaid would be a, well, woman! But the universe just despise him so much.

He was expecting something else but he accidentally saw Kurapika's "little brother." Which earned him the strangle mark on his neck.

Gold would have been better than this.

'You can't just throw your frustration at me! I'm frustrated too you know!' Leorio thought to himself as he internally cried along the way.

Kurapika didn't know the importance of his "little brother" but based on instinct he felt as if he needed to cover it at all cost and beat up Leorio.

Back to reality, Gon felt uncomfortable the more they walk together. Leorio with his almost teary eye and Kurapika whose hand was itching to strangle something. So he decided to slip away from the two.

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