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"Tom? What are you doing here?" I asked.

Tom was sitting at the edge of my bed, watching me. "Uh...I needed to talk to you." I took off my sweater and placed it on the bed, "Oh, my God. What happened to you?"

He stood and held my face, "Nothing. It was an accident."

"How did this happen?" He ran a finger along the bridge of my nose.

I winced, "I was playing air hockey and the thing flew off the table and hit me." I hadn't realized, but out bodies were extremely close, they were so close that we were touching. I pulled away and sat on the bed. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked.

"Oh, right." He sat next to me, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you stupid. I don't know what got into me. I'm sorry." He rested his hand on my leg.

"Forgiven. You know I can't stay mad at you. What will I do without an M and M discount?" I smiled and gave him a hug. I pulled away and saw that his right hand was bandaged, "What happened to your hand?" I took his hand and looked at it.

"Um, after you left today, I kind of punched to door." He smiled a little looking at me in the eye.

"Is it OK? I mean is there any broken bones?" I ran my fingers over it, wondering if I'd feel anything, like a bone sticking out or something.

"No, its fine. There's just a bruise and some minor cuts." He turned his hand and held my hand in his.

"Jeez, you were really angry, huh?" I got up walked to my closet to put on something more comfortable. "How did you get in here?" I asked, taking off my shirt.

"The window. Which reminds me, you should probably lock your window, you never know when some weirdo is out there and decides to jump through your window and rape you or something." He took off his shoes then laid down across my bed.

"You're right. Bad thing is there's already a weirdo in my bed." I said, smiling.

I took off my pants and replaced them with shorts. I turned off the light then turned on the TV. I laid down next to Tom and started watching TV.

"Are you really watching Tom and Jerry right now?" Tom asked.

"Please tell me you have not stopped watching Tom and Jerry." I said.

"Yes, I did, like ten years ago."

I laughed, "What are you an adult now because you watch adult TV shows like Jude Judy?"

"No, I just kind of lost interest."

"Oh, look at me Mr. Adult. I don't watch kid's shows anymore, I watch Judge Judy." I teased, trying to copy his voice.

He kneeled over me, "I did not say I watch Judge Judy." Then he started tickling me. I started wiggling, trying to get out from underneath him-which was no help-he kept on tickling me. "Say you're sorry and I'll stop."

"No. Never. " I pushed him and he fell to the side. I quickly go up, "You'll never take me alive!" He stood and I ran out the room. I ran to the living room and stood on the other side of the couch. I took a pillow and threw it at him. "I need a break before I pee my pants." Then I made a run to the bathroom.

I opened the bathroom door with caution, but Tom wasn't there. Slowly, I poked my head and looked around, nope he's not around. I walked slowly to my room waiting for him to jump out, but he didn't. I relaxed a little and walked into my room.

The door closed behind me and as I turned, Tom threw himself at me and we landed on my bed. "Do you surrender?" He asked, a smile forming on his lips.

It's My Choice (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now