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I had gotten home from work-a summer job at a local book store-and was going to ask Temperance if she wanted to go out and get something to eat. I walked down the hall to Temperance's room, I wasn't sure if she was home, she would be out with a friend I thought. I opened the door and regretted it as soon as I did. I stood there shocked, my sister was laying naked next to Mike. Turning to leave, I felt the first tear of the night fall down my face.

"Annie, wait!" Temperance yelled, running after me.

So she wouldn't stop me, I ran out the door, where I knew she couldn't catch me.

My alarm rang and my eyes opened. I turned off my alarm and sat up in my bed. I got ready for school and walked out the door.

When school was over I started walking, heading in no specific direction. I stopped and noticed I was standing in front of M and M. I walked in and sat at one of the tables. As I pulled out my binder I saw the chair next to me move. Noah sat down next to me.

"Hi, there stranger." he said.

"Hi." I said, looking at him closely for the first time. "Hey, I was wondering if you guys got the new Paramore CD." I asked.

"You know what? It just got here this morning." he said getting up and walking to a stand, "Is this what you're looking for?"

"Yes. That is it." I took it from him looked at it.

He looked over to the register and saw that there was people waiting. "Could you excuse me for a second?" He walked to the register and helped the customers.

I looked up and saw a girl walk out a door that had a sign that said 'Keep Out'. Then I remembered that that was the door to Tom's place. Seconds later after the girl walked out I saw Tom walk out, fixing his pants. It hurt me a little to see that. I looked back down at the CD in my hands. I was reading the song titles when something warm and big hit me. A strong hand grabbed me by the arm before I could fall.

"I'm sorry." I heard a deep voice say, "I wasn't looking where I was going."

I looked up to see the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, they were light blue with a little green in them, almost aqua. "It...Its OK." I stuttered. I hadn't realized, but my arm was hurting from his strong grip. I looked down at his hand, he looked too and let go of me.

"Sorry." he said and walked to the register.

I walked back to the table and sat down. I began writing a paper for English. I was taking out a pencil when I heard the same deep voice behind me, "Excuse me?"

I turned and there he was, the guy that almost dropped me. "Yes?"

He hesitated, "I know we just bumped into each other, but...C-Can I get your number?" he stuttered. "I'm Matt, by the way." He stretched out his hand and I took it.

"Annie." I said, shaking his hand, but he wasn't letting go.

"Is that a yes then?" he asked, still holding on to my hand.

I looked up to him, "Um...Yeah, sure." We exchanged numbers and as soon as I was putting my phone away, it started ringing. "Are you-?"

"I was just making sure you didn't give me a false number." a smile spread across his face when he saw that it was my number. "I gotta go, but I'll see you soon?"

I nodded and he turned and walked out the door. As I turned back to my paper I heard Noah laughing, "Oh, shit, Annie has gotten herself a date." He continued laughing,

Tom stood next to Noah and just stared at me. No expression on his face.

When I finished writing my essay, I put my things away and walked up to the register. "Did you find everything ok?" Noah asked, trying hard not to laugh.

It's My Choice (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now