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This is what I've been working on. I will be publishing it very soon. I hope you enjoy. Here's the sneak peek to "Secrets".


Chapter One

My alarm goes off, my eyes shoot open. I reach to my side, looking for the clock to stop the noise.

I lay on my bed, which is just a mattress. There is no bed frame or headboard, just a mattress. Last night I had to bring in all the boxes, unpack them, and clean up a little.

I've moved to a new city, well, we've moved to a new city and I haven't had a chance to check it out yet. I don't even know where my school is, which is where I am headed to now.

My family is different. At least different from what is seen on TV. We're not a nice, happy family. Hell, we're hardly a family. My father is a drunk that likes to gamble all our money. My mother works her ass off, and is too afraid to make my father stop. She believes that a wife's job is to keep her husband happy and to obey everything he says.

And then there's me. Just like my mother, afraid to say what's really on my mind. There has been a couple of times when I thought "enough is enough" and yelled at him. I said everything I ever wanted to tell him. That outburst almost cost me a beating, but he didn't have the balls to touch me.

I have been waiting a long time to turn eighteen and get the fuck out of here. I've thought about it. I've thought about taking my mother with me, but I know that she would never leave him. I have even thought about emancipation, but I know that that will never happen. My parents would never allow it. So, I am stuck for now.

I get up and get ready. The sooner I am out of the house the better. Being on my way means getting away from the drunk sooner.

I head towards the door and see Jim, my father, passed out on the couch. Helena, my mother, is nowhere to be seen. She's either gone to work, or still asleep.

I walk out the door with my back pack over my shoulder and the directions in hand. It's not a map, well; it is a map to me. It's just street names. This is much easier to follow than an actual map.

I turn onto a street that is pretty busy for this time. There's a few restaurants, clothing stores, and a very busy Starbucks. I look down at the paper in my hand, the next street is a couple stop lights down, which means, a couple blocks, then a left turn.

"Hey!" Someone yells.

I don't turn because who would be talking to me? I've been in this town for three days and I don't know anybody.

Someone grabs my shoulder and I quickly turn. A young man stands behind me, mid twenties, very tall, amazing blue eyes, and short light brown hair. He wears a white shirt with a black tie and a gray suit.

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