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"Annie, hurry up. We're gonna miss the movie." Mike said, standing by the door as I put my shoes on.

"Dude, you need to chill, we still have like thirty minutes." I purposely put my shoes slower, just to make him impatient. "Why did we date for so long? God, you're so annoying." I stood and walked past him toward the front door.

"Because you loved me." I turned to look at him and he was smiling.

I laughed, "Right."

"So, when will I see you again?" Mike asked as we stood on my porch.

"Whenever I have a chance. You know busy me." He leaned down, but I pulled away, "What are you doing?"

"Um, what I thought you wanted." He pulled away, embarrassed, "Well, I guess I'll see you later."

I watched him walk down the steps. I walked to my room; I heard movement as I closed the door. I turned on the light and turned.

"How did it go?" Tom asked from the center of my bed.

"Could have been worse." I sat at the edge of the bed then laid back, "It was boring. We watched a movie that I didn't even understand." I closed my eyes and covered my face with my arm. I felt him move, I opened my eyes and he was over me, "How long have you been waiting?"

"Um, like an hour." He smiled a little and leaned down. I wrapped my arms around his neck-as our lips met-and pulled him closer.

I heard the door open, "I knew it!" Mom yelled with excitement from the door, "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" I let go of Tom and he quickly pulled away. "Don't mind me. I was just checking up, making sure you guys are keeping it appropriate." Tom turned away from her and she gave me two thumbs up with a huge smile across her face, "Keep it safe, guys. Goodnight." She closed the door and was gone.

I laughed, "I am so sorry. I don't know what got into her."

"It's cool. I think your mom is into me."

I walked to the door and locked it, "She is. Remind me to lock the door." I walked back to his side, "Ever since that first time, that she saw us together, she's been hoping we are."

"Then why aren't we?" He brushed his lips against my neck.

"There's a good reason."

"What is it?"

"A good reason." Matt.

* * * * ~ ~ ~ ~ * * * *~ ~ ~ ~ * * * *

I walked into Tom's loft and found him sleeping on the couch. I sat on the edge and placed my hand on his cheek, "Tom." I whispered. "Tom."

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me, "Hey." He stretched then sat up.

"What are your plans tonight?" I asked.

"Well, my parents are out of town, so I'll probably just hang here."

"No, you're not, your coming with me."

"No, Annie, it's a family thing. I don't want to intrude." He put his feet on the floor and leaned back.

"You're not intruding, I'm inviting you." I put my hand on his face, "C'mon," I patted his leg and stood then made my way to his room, "Thomas, are you coming?" I called from the hallway.

I stood in front of his closet, "I'm not sure about this. What if someone gets mad or something?"

I went through his clothes, "Just think of it as you being my date. You know my mom would love to see you there." I took a shirt and put it against his body, "I like this one, it brings out your green eyes." It was a light gray dress shirt, "Do you have slacks?"

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