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When I opened the door, the first thing I saw was Temperance standing on the other side. Watching her expression brought back memories of what made hell for me.

I opened the door to my sister's room and saw what left me broken. Temp's expression of surprise and of shame. Seeing her get up quickly and Mike's shocked, left a scar. As I turned, my first tear for the night fell.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" Temperance asked.

"Um...I'm gonna help mom set up the table." I said as I walked past her into the hall.

She grabbed me by the arm and turned me so that I was looking at her. "It will only take a second."

"Look whatever you have to say, I don't want to hear it. So could you please let me go?"

She let go of my arm and looked down a little disappointed, but I should be the one disappointed, I'm the one that ended up hurt. As I walked away I didn't look back. I knew that she stayed behind. When I reached the living room I saw what could have made this night even worse-my cheating father and he wasn't alone. I guess my mother had forgiven him, at least enough to let him back in the house.

A year ago one day my father came home from work telling my mother he wanted a divorce. When my mother asked why, he said that he found someone else. My mother gave him the divorce because he had been cheating on her from the beginning.

"Hi, pumpkin." My father said, getting up from the couch.

I just looked at him and walked right passed him. When I reached the kitchen, Lucille walked out with plates in her hands.

"Hi, Annie, it's good to see you. I haven't seen you in a while." she said, putting the plates on the table.

I ignored her and kept walking. When I finally reached the kitchen, I saw mom finishing the last touches of the dish. I realized that both my mother and I were very similar. My father cheated on her and she can't forgive him, I am just the same, Mike cheated on me and I can't forgive him, but the worst part was that it was with my sister. Now I can't decide if I should forgive my sister or not. She wanted to explain and I wanted to hear her explanation, but I was afraid that she'd lie to me so that I wouldn't feel as bad, or if she just wanted to be forgiven. I guess I was just going to have to find out.

I grabbed a stack of napkins and walked back to the table where Temperance was standing deep in conversation with Lucille. I ignored them both and put a napkin next to each plate. When I had set five, I realized there was two extra plates. I knew for sure that Carl-my mom's boyfriend-was coming, but I was certain that I knew who the extra plate was for, Mike.

After that night Temperance stayed with Mike. I don't know if it was to hurt me, or they actually liked each other, or even just sex, but he was around a lot. A lot more than he was when he was with me. Now I can't keep the promise I made to my mom. I never break promises, but there's always a start.

I hurried back to the kitchen to speak to my mom. "Mom, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked.

"Yeah, honey, what's up?" she looked up from dinner and looked at me. "Honey, are you okay? You look a little pale."

"Did you know Mike was coming?" I started to feel a little shaky. I don't think I will make it through dinner.

"Yes, I did." she looked at me then understood, "Look, honey, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you."

"How can you forget to tell me that my ex-boyfriend is coming?"

"Well, if it gets too hard to deal with then..."

"Then what?" I thought for a moment, "Then I'll make up an excuse." I took deep breaths, I knew I was going to lose it .

As soon as our conversation was over I heard a knock on the door. I walked out to the table with my mom a step behind. I sat at the table and saw Carl walk in with a bottle of wine in his hands and Mike right on his heels.

It's My Choice (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now