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Tom had cooked dinner for us, which was surprisingly good. I felt bad because it should have been me to cook for him.

"I feel bad, Tom." I said as I picked up the dishes from the table. "I should have cooked for you. It's your birthday; you shouldn't have gone through the trouble."

Tom smiled a little, "It's ok. I wanted to." He stood beside me at the sink. "Let me help you with that." He said.

"No, I got it. You cooked, it's the least I can do." I said. Tom sat on the counter and watched me while I washed the dishes. "You know, marrying you won't be so bad if you cook. It'll be one thing less to worry about."

"Don't get too used to it. I won't cook too often. But if you want me to, I'll take some lessons and I'll cook for you. If that's what makes you happy."

I dried my hands and leaned against Tom. "That sounds like a good idea. We should both take some cooking lessons, that way we know what we're doing." I said.

"I was kidding about that. It might take some convincing for that." Tom replied.

"No, there won't be, I'll make you go. You want to or not, we'll go together." I answered.

"We'll see about that." Tom said with a small smile. He leaned down and kissed me.

I pulled away and took his hand, "Come with me." I said. I pulled him with me to the couch and made him sit. I went to the bedroom and over to one of the drawers he had cleared for me. I took what I was looking for and went back to the living room. I sat on the couch beside Tom and handed him his gift. "I know you said no gifts, but this doesn't really count as a gift." I said as I handed it to him.

"Annie, you really shouldn't have." Tom said.

"Come on, just open it." I insisted. He took a deep breath and unwrapped it. It was a leather notebook. "I know you want to be a writer and I'm giving this to you so you can write your first story. Maybe you can write our story. Unless you're into fiction."

Tom opened the notebook and stopped on the first page. The page I had written him a note. After he read it he wiped his eyes.

"I love it." He said. He kissed me then pulled me to his chest. He held me against his chest for a while then he let me go. "Annie, I have to tell you something. I didn't tell you sooner because I didn't want you to freak out. I know this isn't a great time to tell you, but you should know. I can't...I can't keep it to myself anymore. Remember last night? We had sex?" Tom said.

"Yeah." I replied slowly.

"Well...when I took off the was ripped." Tom said. He looked sad maybe it was worry.

"You're joking, right?" I asked.

Tom looked down at his hands, "I'm sorry, Annie."

Then it sunk.

"No, no, no, no, no! Please tell me you're joking." I said. I stood and started pacing.

"Look, Annie, it's gonna be ok." Tom said standing too.

I stopped pacing and looked at him. "This isn't ok, Tom!" I yelled. "There's a chance I could me pregnant!" My hands automatically flew to my stomach, then I felt my eyes water. "Oh, my God." I whispered.

Tom stood in front of me and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry, Annie. I'm so sorry." Tom whispered over and over in my ear. Tears started running down my face and I think that only made Tom freak out. "Annie, please, calm down. I'm not going to leave you alone in this. We're going to be ok. There's nothing to worry about."

"There's nothing to worry about?!" I moved away from Tom. "Are you serious? There's a lot to worry about." I said angrily. "What are people going to say? Oh, my God. What are my parents going to say?" I sat on the couch and wiped my eyes.

It's My Choice (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now