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As I walked down the street, my phone vibrated. It was like the hundredth time already. Mike must have told Temperance that I left and she must have told mom. I looked at my phone: ten missed calls from mom, and five voice mails. To ignore them completely I turned off my phone.

I ended up at M and M, my favorite store. Its a shop of just music and movies, nothing else. This is the place where most teens come. One of the reasons I like this place is because I know the owner, Tom, we're sort of friends. I walked in and saw Tom behind the register.

" What's up, Annie?" he said, as he put a customer's items in a bag. " Thank you for coming." I heard him say as I got closer.

What made this place cool was that there is music on one side of the store and movies on the other. In the middle there is tables where you can eat, near the register there is all kinds of junk food and beverages.

" Isn't it a little too late for you to be here?" he asked, walking around the counter to give me hug.

I hugged him back, "No." That was all I was able to say.

" Looking for something new?" he said, letting me go. I shook my head, no. He walked to the window and turned off the 'open' sign. He walked back to the register and over the speakers said, "M and M will be closing in ten minutes, if you have any purchases please come to the front." he looked at me, " Ready to help me with the customers?"

"Sure." Now this meant that I was going to need to smile. I don't work here, but one time somehow he ended up teaching me how to use everything. I think it was because he works by himself. He's here all day, its not as bad as it sounds because he lives above his shop.

I walked behind the second register and took half of the customers. After that I helped him put everything back in its place. While I did that, Tom cleaned the tables and vacuumed. When we were done he grabbed the keys from the counter and headed for the door.

" Thanks for helping me tonight, I knew it was a good idea to train you." He paused, "Do you need a ride home?" he said, as he looked for the key to unlock the door.

"Actually, that's why I'm here," When I said that he looked up from the keys and looked at me. "Sense I did you a favor, I need you to do me one too."

"Sure, what is it?"

I hesitated, "Can I spend the night here?" I waited for his response, but he didn't answer. "Look, I promise its just tonight."

"No, I can't your mom will kill me if I do." he looked a little scared.

"C'mom, please, you have my word that I will not let my mom kill you. Please, its been a tough night. I can't go back there tonight." I begged.

He thought about it for a second, "Fine, just this once."

We went through a door in the back of the shop and up some stairs. He stopped when we were in front of a door and turned to me.

"Can you wait here for just a second?"


He walked inside, closing the door behind him. I stood there looking around. In front of his door there was a window that faced the moon. When I saw the moon I thought about what Mike had said, 'It's beautiful isn't it?' Right when I had that thought Tom opened the door.

"You can come in now." he said, letting me walk in.

I walked inside, this is the first time I have ever come in here. I looked around seeing a pile of clothes on the floor pushed to the side. I stopped right in the middle of what looked like the living room.

"Follow me." he said, as he walked down the hall. "This is he bathroom," he said, pointing to a room, "And this is the bedroom where you will be sleeping." He walked in and stopped in front of what looked like a closet. "Would you like some clothes?"


He gave me a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. "I'll...I'll be sleeping on the couch if you need anything." He stood there for a second. "I guess I should leave you to it.

"Wait." I said, as he was walking out. "I'll sleep on the couch, its bad enough that you're letting me stay here."

"No, its fine, I'll sleep on the couch."

"Dude, just sleep on the bed." I said walking towards the door.

"How about we both sleep on the bed? The couch is not very comfortable to sleep on"

I thought about it for a minute, "Fine." I walked towards the door to go to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Tom asked.

"To change." I replied holding up the clothes.

"Oh, right."

When I walked back in the room he was just wearing his boxers and socks, fixing the bed. He sat on the bed and I sat next to him.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Ready? Ready for what?" I answered, a little panicked.

"To turn off the light." he was smiling.

"Oh, that. Yes, I'm ready."

He reached for the lamp and turned off the light. We both laid on our backs, looking at the ceiling.

"So, what happened?" I could hear the curiosity in his voice.

"Well, its a long story." I paused. "I got in an arguement."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

It's My Choice (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now