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What I feared most came knocking on my door. The only thing in the world I hoped and wished never to happen, did. Anger, sadness, and hatred were all I felt.

The only person I cared about was snatched from my hands, someone I trusted, I was close to, and looked up to, took him from me.

Pain had never been so hurtful as betrayal has become. As I looked into her eyes, I saw her plead for forgiveness, and when I looked at him, I saw nervousness on his face, and his eyes showed shame. I walked away with tears in my eyes. I walked away without looking back. I looked ahead thinking that what I have seen won't hold me back from moving on. What I have seen has lead me to a new beginning.

Now I have met someone else. Better. I have moved on from the child that held me back and on to someone more matured, someone that will take me seriously and would never think about hurting me. I can now forget of how I was tortured and finally truly be happy.

School. My only escape. That is the only place where I can get away. Here at least, I can pretend. There's no one here that knows what I have gone through. There's only one person who knows , Becky, my best friend. Lately she's the only person I can count on. The only person that has been there for me to talk to. This year she has moved to a different school.

All summer I have wondered, 'why this had to happen to me', but then I thought 'it all happens for a reason'. This year I have hopes that something good will happen. Something better, or even someone better, will come along.

As I walked to class I didn't think about, what will happen next, or when I get home. I know that when I get home I will have to face my traitor. But that wasn't in my head. New school year means something different. Last year doesn't matter, but what is still left to come.

I entered my first class and sat all the way in the back. I always sit in the back the first few days of school, until we get to the teaching. That's when I start sitting in the front.

Freshman year was pretty awesome, I had a hot English teacher, so that class wasn't so bad. This year it's a woman and she looks like a bitch. I don't like her already, but it's time to kiss some ass because that's the only way to pass a bitch's class.

Finally the bell rings and I get up to leave. I pull out my schedule and look at what class is next. When I got to class I did the same thing I did in the first one, then four more times.

As I stood by the parking lot- waiting for my mom to pick me up-I listened to some music. That's the only thing I can rely on, music helps me escape everything. My mother brings me back to reality with a honk.

"What are you waiting for?" she asks as I make my way to the car.

"Nothing" I reply, getting in.

There's something different about us, it's always quiet in the car when we drive home, it's sort of awkward. My mother and I used to be very close, but ever since my incident its been a little bit strange. Now it's all just small talk.

"So, how was your first day of school?" Here's the small talk coming.

"It was ok, I guess. Nothing new happened." Exactly what happened, nothing new.

"So your sister is officially out of the house."


"Look, honey, whatever happened between the two of you, you need to let it go. She's your sister, you will have to forgive her sooner or later."

"I prefer later."

"That's not the point. She's your sister and that means that you're gonna keep seeing her. Either you want to our not, she will always be around. So it's better if you let it go. God forbid, but if something happens to her you're gonna feel bad because you held a grudge."


"Good, because she's going to be with us for a last dinner."

" You're kidding, right?"

" No, I am not kidding. It's her last night, so we will all be there and enjoy it. Okay?" I stayed quiet, not making any promises. " C'mon, I want to hear you say it." she demanded.

"Okay, fine I will be there." I replied, a little angry that I was being forced.

As soon as we got home, I ran to my room. That is another place I like to be, my room, alone with no one to bother me. Peace and quiet, well, except for some music. Music keeps me calm and relaxed, apart from books. I walk over to my book shelf and pull out one of my favorites, 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' by Stephen Chbosky.

As I read, I didn't pay much attention to what I was reading, I was spacing out, something I do pretty often. In the middle of my daydream, my mother knocks on the door.

"Honey, Temperance is here. Dinner will be in ten."

I roll my eyes and tell myself, 'Its one more night, Annie, you can do this.' I tried to calm myself as I grabbed the knob and turned it.

It's My Choice (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now