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The next morning was a Friday and Yunho was getting ready for school. He wasn't looking forward to that night, but he told Jongho that he would go to the party. He sighed as he stood in the shower. The hot water rolling down is back, he could only think of one person, and that was mingi.

"What if I see mingi at the party?" He thought to himself. "Of course mingi will be at the party. Yeosang is hosting. Why would mingi miss out on that?"

Yunho stepped out of the shower and dried off to finish getting ready for school.

Soon enough he was ready and headed out the door. He walked with Jongho as usual. Jongho went on and on about the party and about other things. Jongho loved to talk. Yunho barely listened. He could only think of his crush.

The two males made it to the school. As they walked up Yunho saw the brown haired girl who was friends with Jongho. She walked up to them.

"Hey Jongho." She greeted.

Jongho greeted her back. "Hi jeongyeon." He smiled a little shyly.

Yunho knew her from his class but he hadn't known her name.

"Hi Yunho." She greeted him as well.

Yunho smiled and said hi back.

"You going to the party?" Jongho asked Jeongyeon.

"Don't tell me you're going Jongho. Aren't you a little young for drugs and alcohol?" Jeongyeon asked teasing the younger.

"I'm almost sixteen." Jongho pouted.

"Thats cute. I'll be there though. Will you Yunho?" She asked Yunho.

"Yeah I will." Yunho nodded then they heard the bell.

"Well me and Yunho better get to class. See ya Jongho." Jeongyeon waved.

They split their separate ways and made it to class.

"Yunho you're here." Hongjoong called cutely, making Yunho smile.

"Hi joong." Yunho sat next to his friend.

"You going to the party tonight?" Hongjoong asked.

Yunho rolled his eyes. Was this party really that big of a deal? "I suppose so." He replied. "Jongho wanted to go and he shouldn't go alone."

"Jongho? Isn't he just a baby?" Another voice joined the conversation. It was seonghwa.

Hongjoong nodded. "A kid but a bad one. He probably has more bodies than you." He teased.

Seonghwa seemed intrigued. "Interesting." He said before sitting back in his seat.

"He needs someone to drive him home so his parents don't go crazy suspecting things." Yunho said playing with his fingers.

"You're not gonna drink? At a party?" Hongjoong and seonghwa both asked.

"I don't drink." Yunho shrugged.

"Hm I respect that self control. Not an easy thing to do." Seonghwa said.

"Well I'll be drunk." Hongjoong sighed. "Too much on my mind to be sober."

Soon enough school started this time mingi sat in front of Yunho. Yunho tried his best to stay focused on school. Once class ended everyone went to lunch. It seemed like everyone was talking about this party.

"The party seems to be a hot topic." Yunho commented while he sat at the lunch table.

"Well duh it is. Yeosang is throwing it. His parties are the best." Wooyoung said in the same sassy tone he seemed to always have.

"Me and woo are going. Are you?" San asked as he hugged wooyoungs arm.

"Yeah Jongho wants me to go with him." Yunho replied.

Wooyoung scoffed. "If he wanted someone to go with him he could've asked that girl he likes."

Yunho shrugged and began eating. Then he heard a voice.

"Sup guys." A low voice greeted from behind Yunho. He could recognize that voice from anywhere. It was Mingi.

"Hello Mingi." Seonghwa said back, "Where's Yeosang?" He asked almost immediately.

Mingi shrugged before Yeosang walked up behind him. "Are you all coming to the party?" He asked making mingi turn around.

"He's right here." Mingi answered seonghwa. Seonghwa rolled his eyes.

"Yeah I think we are going." Hongjoong said.

"We always come to your parties Yeo. Why do you even ask?" Wooyoung commented.

"Hongjoong can I borrow your speakers again?" Yeosang asked making Hongjoong cringe.

"Fine but it'll be the last time if San gets drunk and starts humping them again." He reluctantly replied.

Yunho laughed a bit at the thought. San blushed and lowered his head. "I-I said sorry. Not my fault wooyoungie wouldn't let me fini-"

"LALALA TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!" Seonghwa yelled, covering his ears.

"But WHY on MY SPEAKER?!" Hongjoong yelled as well, banging his hands on the table.

"It vibrates.." San pouted, hiding his face in Wooyoungs neck.

"You little-" Hongjoong started before almost jumping at San's neck, but seonghwa stopped him.

"Stop fighting stop!!" He yelled again. "Now no more dirty talk here comes the baby." He added referring to Jongho, who was headed towards the table.

"Baby? Isn't Jongho coming to the party?" Wooyoung asked.

"Yeah I'm not a baby." Jongho pouted.

"Anyways I wanna know if you all are available to help me set up for the party." Yeosang said.

"Sure when." Seonghwa said quickly, before anyone else.

"Right after school."

"I have to bring the speakers by anyways, so why not?" Hongjoong shrugged.

"I'll help you Joong. We can use my car." Mingi volunteered.

"Yunho." Hongjoong called, "you can come with me and Mingi."

Yunho was surprised by Hongjoong's suggestions but once he noticed everyone was looking at him, he nodded. "Yeah sure." He replied simply. He regretted his words but he felt that saying no would be worse.

He turned to glance at Mingi. To his surprise, Mingi had a slight smile.

"Wait! Wait! Yunho I'll need you to take me to the partyyyy." Jongho whined and pouted.

Mingi dropped his smile and Yunho raised a brow. Was Mingi upset Yunho couldn't come?

"Oh yeah sorry Jongho I'll bring you. Sorry joong I need to stay with Jongho." Yunho explained.

"That's okay." Hongjoong shrugged.

All the rest of that school day Yunho thought about Mingi's reaction. Maybe Mingi likes him.


Hello again. I'm back with another chapter. Recently I've been in the most horrible mental state lately. I'll try my best to update all my stories. Sorry for any typos.

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