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Mingi walked out the school building and took out his phone.

We need to talk :Me

Yeosang👅: I'm still at school

Somewhere else :Me

Yeosang👅: my house or yours?

Mine :Me

Yeosang👅: okay? What about?

If it were something I could tell you over text
then why would I want to talk in person ?

Mingi sighed with annoyance and slipped his phone into his pocket. He jogged down to his house which wasn't far from the school and went inside. His mom wasn't home so he went straight to his room. He changed out of his school uniform and into some sweat pants and t-shirt.

He rushed to the kitchen grabbing a cup of water. He took a sip. 'How am I supposed to do this?' He thought to himself. '"We're breaking up." We weren't even dating. How about "are you happy?" No that's too deep plus of course he's happy.' Mingi pouted in defeat.

His thoughts were disrupted by a knock on the door. "Dammit." He cursed then walked to the door and opened it.

"Already comfortable I see." Yeosang said walking in and taking off his shoes and his backpack. "What's the matter?"

Mingi sighed, "I don't know if I can do this anymore Yeosang."

Yeosang tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

Mingi walked into the living room and Yeosang followed.

"The whole friends with benefits shit." He sat on the couch.

Yeosang frowned and crossed his arms. "Why not?"

Mingi shrugged placing his cup on the coffee table. "I guess I just need to move on, you know?"

Yeosang furrowed his brows. "So you found someone else?"

Mingi shook his head. "It's just immature. I mean we fuck just to fuck."

Yeosang shrugged. "It's whatever I'll find someone else."

"Why do you want this anyways? I mean friends with benefits?" Mingi asked.

Yeosang bit his lip. Hot tears began to stream down his face. "Because what else am I supposed to do? I'm ugly and moody and no one would date me."

"First of all You are not ugly. Second I'm sure someone will date you. You're only sixteen you have 60 more years of li-" Mingi started but was interrupted.

"I like you Mingi."

Mingi sighed he thought for a second before answering. "Yeosang I'm sorry.. I just don't think we are meant for each other."

Yeosang walked to the door and put his shoes on and grabbed his bag. "Fuck you I hope you die." Yeosang walked out the door slamming it closed.


Mingi sighed as he walked into the school. It was a month ago that happened. Mingi felt as if Yeosang was still trying to be in his life. The texts about random things, the late night drunk calls, talking at school. It was a nightmare. He didn't hate Yeosang. He just hated what Yeosang could do. Yeosang was powerful in every way sexually. He could turn Mingi on and make him fall all over again. The sex was always good never ever boring. But Mingi began to get curious. After all there's gotta be more to love than sex.

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