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It was still Saturday. Saturday night. Yunho was hanging out in his little brothers room.

"So Hyung, how are you?" Gunho asked hopping onto his bed.

Yunho laughed at his brothers cuteness, "I'm good I guess. How are you?"

"I'm alright I'm lonely at school now that you stopped going." Gunho pouted.

"I'm sorry. It wasn't really my choice." Yunho said softly, feeling bad that he left.

"Hyung, do you hate dad?" The younger asked.

Yunho only struck a confused expression, "it's not like that."

"Then how come you never talk to him. You're only talking to me when we are together. He says you never text him and that you like mom more." Gunho quickly rebutted.

Yunho sighed. "Let's not talk about this."

"Why did you leave me and dad? You and mom." He asked with a saddened expression.

"It was because of school. You know this. If you went to my school you'd be living with mom too." Yunho explained gently.

"Why did you move schools? Why don't mom and dad visit each other? They just act like friends now." Gunho continued to question.

"Gunho. I don't know everything. But I do know everything will be okay. I don't wanna talk about this right now." Yunho said trying to end the conversation.

"I wish we didn't have to talk about it. It makes me sad too." Gunho sighed.

Yunho sighed as well and dug through his stuff to get some clothes to sleep in.

"Do you have friends at your school?" Gunho suddenly asked.

"Mhm a few." Yunho shrugged.

"Ooo a girlfriend?" His brother smirked.

"Well no... why are you even asking. Do you have a girlfriend?" Yunho teased.


"What? Let me see her." Yunho said a bit more cheerfully.

Gunho took out his phone and showed Yunho a picture.

"What? You've liked her since middle school. You finally got the guts to ask her out." He replied playfully punching the younger's arm.

Gunho smiled and laid in the bed. "Yeah she's even prettier and nicer now that we are together."

"That's so cute. I'm happy for you." Yunho said sweetly and sat on the edge of the bed after getting dressed.

"Hyung~ do you even talk to any girls?"

"I.. guess I don't have any female friends."

Gunho shook his head in disapproval. "All the girls at school still talk about you. You were the cutest boy in school."

"Well I don't know about that anymore. There's a lot of cute boys in my school now." Yunho said thinking of only one. Mingi.

"Then you have competition.. I see."

"Yeah but I don't really want a girlfriend." Yunho said plainly. He's never actually told Gunho that he was gay.

"Oh? A girlfriend is a big responsibility."

"I'm glad you can handle it. But we should get some rest." He said hoping to avoid the conversation.

Gunho nodded and they both laid down to get some rest.


Yunho woke up and looked around his room. The draws were empty and opened. Half of the clothes in the closet were gone.

"Leave if you want!" He heard his dad yell. Yunho got up and ran to watch at the steps.

"I do and I will. I'm taking my son with me."

"Take him I didn't want him anyways." He scoffed.

"You're a horrible person." She sobbed.

Yunho ran back to his room. His parents always fought, but now were they really leaving each other? His brother was now sitting up on the bed.

"Eomma is leaving?" He asked Yunho as tears flooded his eyes.

"No. I don't know.. it can't be true. Eomma wouldn't do something like that." Yunho said comforting his little brother.

Yunho only remembered that weeks before, his mom talked about buying a house and that he was moving schools. He wasn't sure why but he didn't argue.

"Yunho." His mom said from the door. Her eyes were still red from crying. "Come get in the car. Gunho, me and Yunho have to go somewhere. Your dad will explain everything to you."

Gunho wiped the tears from his eyes and nodded.

Yunho went downstairs with his mom, "Eomma are we leaving?"

"Just get in the car please."

Yunho reluctantly got in the car. "Why is my stuff gone?"

His mom got into the car and began to drive. "Yunho. We're moving out."

"What about Gunho and appa then?"

"Yunho.. Gunho will live with your dad. You're living with me."

"Huh?! Why?!" He asked frantically.

"It's better for all of us."

"I don't wanna leave him.. ma.. why.." he began to sob.


Yunho woke up. It was all a dream of that vivid memory. The day they split up. The whole summer, he only visited Gunho once or twice. He looked around seeing the sun shining through the blinds. It was morning already. Yunho began to sob. He covered his mouth and quietly cried. He felt so miserable. Why did his family have to be like this?


This story is better than I thought it would be. I hope you all are enjoying it. Don't be afraid to comment or vote. That's how I know if my story is doing well.

Thanks for reading.

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