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The next morning Jongho got up out of bed. He wiped the drool from his face and stretched. It had been a long night. He looked through his phone. He scrolled through the messages from last night. Honestly he couldn't think about anyone but Yunho. He needed to apologize. He got dressed and went to Yunho's house. He knocked on the door. Yunho came to the door.

"What?" Yunho asked.

"Can I come in.. I need to say something." Jongho said and Yunho let him in.

"I'm sorry Yunho. About not telling you stuff. I just thought I was annoying you talking about girls all the time." Jongho explained.

Yunho sighed, "Jongho I'm not annoyed about you talking about girls. I promise it's not like that. I forgive you. Just tell me what's going on."

"The girl. Her name is Yewon. She is super cute. Thats why I like her. San found out because he saw us talking." Jongho said simply.

Yunho smiled. He couldn't stay mad at Jongho. "Yewon? I don't know if I've seen her before. I'm glad you have a crush. Maybe that'll keep you from fucking around." Yunho teased patting Jongho's head. 

Jongho shrugged, "She's in my class. That's probably why you don't know her. But... are we cool now?"

"Hm yeah." Yunho hugged Jongho before planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey!" Jongho squirmed out of the hug and covered his cheek. "No kisses."

Yunho laughed and shook his head. "What are you up to today?"

"Oh I'm going to sans house. We are gonna study." Jongho said.

"Oh okay." Yunho nodded.

They talked for a bit more before Jongho headed back home to get ready for studying. He packed his bag and some snacks and left to go to sans house.

Eventually he got there. San lived in a close neighborhood. He knocked on the door. San's mother opened it.

"Hi, you must be Jongho." She said and let him in.

"Yes I'm Jongho it's nice to meet you." He said politely.

"Sannie, Jongho is here." His mom called.

San came running down the stairs. "Jongho! Come to my room." He ran back up the stairs.

"Wait up." Jongho said taking off his shoes and following San.

They went into the room. Sans room was different than Jongho imagined. It had a big bed covered in so many stuffed animals that you could barely see it. The walls had lights and everything seemed to be pink themed in his closet. What you might expect a little girls room would look like.

Jongho placed his bag down and looked around.

"It used to be my sisters room." San said quickly.

Wooyoung scoffed at sans lie but smiled at Jongho, "hi Jongho. Come sit on the bed. You can just knock the toys off the bed."

"I- hmph." San pouted. "Yeah." Usually he would protest that they aren't toys but he didn't wanna embarrass himself in front of Jongho.

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