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Contains: mentions of self h*rm

Jongho suddenly woke up. He didn't even realize he was asleep. He slowly sat up. His back was aching from sleeping in a weird position. Once he rubbed his eyes and opened them he realized he was on the couch in his living room.

"Good morning sleepyhead. What were you doing? Drinking?" Wooyoung teased. He was in the kitchen, which was attached to the living room.

"Jongho you like beer?" His little brother said, not knowing what he was saying. Beer was probably the only alcoholic drink he knew about.

"What? No I'm not. I just fell asleep." Jongho said annoyed. He tried his best to get up off of the couch.

"Your parents are out running errands. We didn't wanna wake you up since you looked so tired." Wooyoung said and began to make all three of them plates.

"Oh.." Jongho said plainly getting up off of the couch and limping to the kitchen. He was comfortable with walking around the house a little even with his leg wrapped.

"Don't worry I told them that we had plans." Wooyoung added.

"Plans? What do you mean.." Jongho asked walking up to wooyoung looking at the food. It looked good as always.

"What I said yesterday. You said you wanted to come. To see fireworks with Yunho and them." Wooyoung explained.

Jongho didn't remember wooyoung asking him. He probably wasn't paying attention. He didn't actually want to go. Jongho liked his friends but he wasn't in the mood. Definitely not in the mood to see all those couples.

Either way he didn't tell wooyoung. They ate some food and began to get ready to go.

Jongho sat on the bed after getting ready. He looked at his phone. He was scrolling through Instagram. He saw Yewon pop up. Should he say something? He thought he should at least try. He texted her; "hey I'm sorry about how I've been acting. I really miss you. Would you like to go see fireworks together?"

Before he got a response mingi and Yunho already got there to pick them up. He and wooyoung got in the car. He kept checking his phone but still no response.

"What's up guys?" Mingi asked.

"New years is what's up. I'm excited." Wooyoung answered. Jongho didn't say anything.

"Really? You aren't nervous about seeing San?" Mingi asked.

"Nope I'm gonna finally talk to him. I already know what I'm gonna say and everything." Wooyoung said excitedly.

They got to the park and there was about an hour before the fireworks. They walked through the crowds looking for the other half of the group. Jongho felt his phone vibrate and looked down at it. She answered; "I already have plans sorry"

That's it. No I forgive you or I miss you too or anything. Jongho just felt his heart drop. He kept it to himself though.

Eventually they found the others and the met up in a less populated area the see the fireworks.

"Damn it. When do the fireworks start?" Seonghwa asked fidgeting a lot. It was cold that day.

"Uhm when it's new years dummy." Hongjoong teased.

"Well I mean what time is it now." Seonghwa huffed at hongjoong. Hongjoong only laughed because it was cute.

"It's about thirty till" Mingi said knowing hongjoong was no help.

"Okay well I'm gonna go find a restroom." Seonghwa pouted.

"Right now? All that time?" Hongjoong asked bothering him.

"Yeah sorry i didn't have to go then.. But now I do..." seonghwa replied.

"I'll come with you so you don't get lost." Hongjoong insisted. He just wanted to get alone with seonghwa but didn't admit it.

"Okay thank you." Seonghwa said wondering off with hongjoong.

Mingi and Yunho sat together on a blanket they placed on the ground. Yunho was watching San. San and wooyoung were awkwardly talking. Yunho was worried about his friend.

"Hey, you worry too much." Mingi said grabbing yunhos face and turning it to him. "I'm sure they will make up. Just focus on me."

Yunho blushed. "You're right." He pouted and buried his face in Mingi's chest.

Mingi patted yunhos back and nuzzled his head. A cool breeze came in causing them to both shiver.

"Jesus Christ.. the weather is so bad for a romantic moment." Mingi said, his teeth chattering.

"Is it? We have to cuddle to stay warm." Yunho said happily nuzzling in Mingi's neck. Meanwhile Mingi was shivering from the cold. "Oh.. maybe you should be little spoon." Yunho suggested.

They switched and Yunho wrapped his coat around Mingi. "How does that feel? Yunho asked.

"Wow much better." Mingi said as he warmed up.

Another breeze came in making Yunho shiver. "Okay I know what you mean it's sorta cold to be big spoon. I wanna be little spoon now."

"What? Never I wanna be warm." Mingi pouted and hugged Yunho.

The two cutely fought over who got to warm up who.

Jongho watched them and smiled. He was happy that Yunho was happy. That's all that felt like mattered to him. Until he got a notification saying yewon had updated her story. He didn't want to be the first one to view it but he couldn't help it. He wanted to know where she was. He looked through her story seeing pictures of her with her friends. But one picture came up of her with some guy. Jongho knew him. He was just a friend of hers apparently but they seemed pretty close.

Jongho just sighed and put his phone down. He was probably never gonna win her back. He touched his arm where his scars were. He looked over at wooyoung and San who were now talking still a little awkwardly though. He realized he was the only one alone now. But he didn't get upset. He tried to think of the good things that everyone else had going on instead. When they are happy he should be happy.


This chapter was a little shorter but don't worry the next part is coming soon. As I've stated before, this book I do in my free time so the updates are sparse.

Thanks for reading!

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