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"Yunho!" Jongho yelled at Yunho's window.

Yunho turned and looked out the window seeing Jongho waving frantically.

"Coming." Yunho replied through the opened window. He ran to the door and slipped on his shoes. He walked out to Jongho.

"Dude we are about to go to a real party." Jongho said happily as they made their way there.

"You've never been to a party?" Yunho asked.

"Well we've never been to one together. Not a party like this." Jongho explained.

Yunho shrugged. Jongho was right. He's never been to a party like that at all. It actually made him really nervous. There were various reasons why Yunho didn't go to parties. He didn't like crowded places, drinking, or smoking. But he couldn't leave Jongho to go alone. Nevertheless, they got to the party. Yunho knocked on the door and it was opened.

"Finally," Hongjoong said letting them in.

The smell of alcohol and smoke showed that the party had already started. Yunho looked around. Wooyoung and san were kissing in the corner and seonghwa was making drinks. Amid the crowds of people he saw yeosang. His house was huge. The perfect place for partying, Yunho supposed.

"Crazy right? It's always this crowded. Yeosang invites the whole school really. Want a drink?" Hongjoong said noticing Yunho looked a little overwhelmed.

"I don't drink.." Yunho mumbled a little embarrassed since it seemed everyone else did.

"Oh? Oh yeah I forgot. That's fine. I'm sure Yeosang has something non-alcoholic." Hongjoong said walking to the kitchen.

Yunho nodded and followed Hongjoong. He was happy Hongjoong didn't ridicule him for not drinking. Hongjoong looked in the fridge getting a soda for Yunho. Yunho gladly took it.

"Hongjoong." A voice said. It was a girl. She motioned for Hongjoong to come with her.

"Oh uhh I'll be there in a bit." He said to her and she smiled and left.

Yunho looked at Hongjoong. "Is she..?"

"No one- I mean you don't know her.. she's just a friend." He said quickly. "Loosen up have some fun. I'll be back." He continued before walking off.

Yunho's heart sank. Hongjoong just left him like that. He wondered who that girl was. If she was really just a friend to Joong. But that wasn't important. He walked from the kitchen to the more populated area to see where Jongho was. He couldn't find him anywhere. He assumed Jongho must've found someone to hang out with. Yunho felt a little abandoned.

"Yunho!" He heard Seonghwa call from behind him.

He turned. Seonghwa was waving from behind the counter where he was serving drinks. Yunho waved back and walked over.

"Hi Yunho. You made it safely. I'm glad." Seonghwa greeted.

Yunho sat on one of the stools and nodded. "Yeah I just got here."

"Where's Jongho?" Seonghwa asked.

"Not sure I walked in the door with him but now he's gone." Seonghwa seemed to always ask about Jongho.

"You lost the kid already?" Seonghwa shook his head.

"Beer." A deep familiar voice said to seonghwa from behind Yunho.

Yunho blushed. He knew who it was. It was Mingi. The tall red haired male stood next to Yunho.

"Yes sir." Seonghwa said and handed Mingi a beer.

"Thanks." Mingi took the beer and cracked it opened before turning to Yunho, "Hey." He said simply with a smile the walked off.

Yunhos cheeks suddenly changed to a blush shade. He couldn't even say anything back.

Seonghwa chuckled noticing what just happened. "Charming isn't he?" He said. "The deep calming voice. Tall slim frame."

Yunho only shrugged.

"Not my type honestly.. but he is very attractive." Seonghwa paused before continuing. "I'd say I'm also one of the most attractive in the school. Sadly I attract more girls than guys." Seonghwa playfully pouted.

"Oh? Do you not like girls?" Yunho asked, now curious about seonghwa.

"I'm bisexual. Currently crushing on a guy but that's a different conversation." He answered.

Yunho nodded again, taking a sip of his soda.

"You're pretty quiet." Seonghwa commented. "I heard Mingi likes quiet boys."

Yunho choked a bit. Did Mingi really?

Seonghwa chuckled at Yunho's reaction. "You really like him, don't you?"

"I-." Yunho started but was interrupted by wooyoung and san walking up.

"Yunho! You're here!" San said excitedly.

"I am." Yunho replied with a smile.

"Is Jongho here?" Wooyoung asked before putting his lips back on his blunt.

"Yeah. I don't know where he is though." Yunho shrugged.

"There goes our threesome. He's probably with that girl.." san pouted.

"Don't say it in front of seonghwa." Wooyoung sighed smacking sans head. A cloud of smoke flooded from his mouth filling the air with the smell of weed.

"Sorry.." san frowned.

"You are not touching that innocent baby!" Seonghwa scolded.

"Yeah yeah whatever. He's not as innocent as you think. He is cute as fuck though." Wooyoung said dragging in more smoke.

"Woo what about me? I'm cute right?" San asked.

"Well duh I wouldn't kiss an ugly guy."

San gave a half smile. Yunho watched sans reaction. He seemed to be annoyed by wooyoungs answer.

Wooyoung rolled his eyes and walked to the bedrooms. "Let's go find Jongho. See y'all."

Yunho watched them walk off. He thought the two had an interesting dynamic. Yunho was just glad they stopped Seonghwa from asking about Mingi. He thought he might have to explain himself.


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