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The bell rang and everyone rushed into class. It was the first day back in school.

"I hope everyone enjoyed their winter breaks." The teacher said and went along with the regular schedule.

The first half of the day was long and boring. Wooyoung and San were flirting throughout class as normal making the teacher want to quit. And seonghwa could answer every question. Hongjoong was doodling and not paying attention. Mingi and Yunho sat quietly but every once in a while eyeing each other and chuckling.

As for Jongho in his class, he stayed quiet watching yewon. He wasn't sure if he should say something or not. She was sitting next to that guy from her story.

Once class dismissed everyone went to lunch. Jongho didn't really need his crutches anymore but he decided to have one in case his legs got tired. It also helped him to walk faster. He helped himself up and made his way out the room in the flood of students. He felt a small tap on his shoulder. It was yewon.

"Oh hey." He greeted her.

"Hey I'm sorry.. it's been a while since we've talked." She said shyly.

"Right.. it's okay. You seemed busy so I thought I'd just let you be." He said back.

"Yeah I've been a little busy.. but I thought I'd say hi." She said before turning to leave cause it was getting awkward.

"Wait." He stopped her. "I wanted to talk to you about something-"

Suddenly some guy came up and put his arm around yewon. It was the guy. The one she was sitting with. Jongho made a confused expression. He wanted to say something but he decided to keep it cool. Yewon seemed a little uncomfortable though.

"Hey jongho I don't think we officially met." He said holding his hand out to jongho.

Jongho shook his head. "No we haven't met." He said unimpressed. He didn't bother to shake his hand.

"Well I'm samuel." He said putting his hand back in his pocket.

"Cool." Jongho said not really wanting to start a conversation with him.

"Anyways what did you wanna say Jongho?" Yewon asked noticing that Jongho didn't wanna talk to Samuel.

"Nothing. I mean it's sorta a private thing so maybe you can come to my place and we can talk about it." Jongho suggested.

"Oh right. Let's do that." Yewon nodded. "Do you wanna have lunch with me?" She asked sweetly.

Jongho wanted to say no because he knew samuel would be there but he said yes anyways. He wanted to be with yewon. But he made sure to make a statement that she was still his. She seemed to not mind and she stayed attached to Jongho's arm all lunch period like usual.


Meanwhile everyone else was sitting at their normal lunch table. By now the whole school knew that was their table.

"So what happened to yeosang?" Wooyoung asked looking at Mingi and seonghwa.

Yeosang wasn't at school that day and none of them really heard about anything except seonghwa and Mingi.

"He moved schools probably." Mingi said with a shrug. He bit into his sandwich. "Mm it's good." He said to Yunho.

"It's nothing special." Yunho shook his head. Yunho had made Mingi's lunch that day.

Everyone at the table looked between the two before figuring out what they meant.

"You made his lunch?" Hongjoong asked.

"Not Yunho already husband material." Wooyoung teased.

"Aww that's cute wooyoungie make me lunch." San pouted.

"One day." Wooyoung said feeding San.

Seonghwa looked at Mingi. "I heard that yeosang left the school too. He said something like that when he apologized to me."

"Damn he just dipped?" Hongjoong asked.

"He does it a lot. He changed to this school for me." Mingi explained.

"For you?" Yunho asked suddenly getting interested.

"So that we could be together all the time. We were already dating when he came here. We dated for a long time." Mingi added. "But it doesn't matter it's over now. And he's gone. To cause trouble at another district."

Yunho watched Mingi closely as he talked about yeosang. It seemed like Mingi was a little regretful about leaving yeosang. It made Yunho feel uncomfortable but he wondered how long they were together. It's not easy to leave a relationship and move to another one almost immediately. Definitely if they were together for a long time.


After school Jongho went outside. He was hoping to run into yewon so he could talk to her about coming to his house. He waited by the door.

He heard whispers behind him.

'I can't believe she still likes him..'

'Samuel is way hotter.'

'I heard Jongho has a bunch of bodies.'

'What if he's playing her.'

'Yeah he does have those gay friends.'

He could tell it was yewons friends. He sighed and pretended he didn't hear them. 'Does she think those things about me too?' He thought but snapped out of it when he saw her.

"Jongho oppa!" She said giving him a hug.

"Hey princess, I saw you five minutes ago, what are you so excited about?" Jongho teased wrapping an arm around her.

She was happy that Jongho seemed to be acting like himself again. "I'm always excited to see you. Plus I miss you. It's been a while."

Jongho ruffled her hair and smiled. "Are you coming home with me?" He asked.

"Yeah if you don't mind." She said hugging his arm.

San watched their interaction. "Aw Jongho got her back. I hope they work out."

"I'm sure they'll do better once they pound it out." Wooyoung snickered also watching.

"Wooyoung they are only 15." Seonghwa scolded.

"Actually 16." San corrected.

"I don't care it's just weird to make sex jokes."

"We're their age too though. You're the only one who's almost 18." San shrugged.

"Plus it's true. If a girl is all giddy like that about going home with a guy. You know there's dick involved." Wooyoung explained. "Good dick at that."  That comment caused San to playfully punch him. Signaling for him to quit.

"I don't wanna hear it." Seonghwa crossed his arms and looked away.

"I'm just glad everything is working out." Yunho said with a smile.


Somehow I've been writing pretty fast so hopefully I can keep this up. You alls comments are so funny. They really make my day. I'm glad you like the story.

Thanks for reading!

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